messages to faxmachine:
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from uridium15 :
you know, i was watching the film "he died with a felafel in his hand" the other day, and one of the scene-transition-titles was "hell is other people." and it proceeds with the main character living in this apartment in sydney (i think - could've been melbourne) with this collection of complete fucking rejects. they're always fighting and there's a note done with those magnetic letters on something (not a fridge) that says "1. leave the fucking milk in the fucking fridge. 2. leave the fucking butter out of the fucking fridge." (this later changes to "say no to ana flatmates") hilarious.
from pojken :
which hotel do you stay at when in mpls/st.paul? and if you don't include them/one/or the other as one of the major U.S. cities.... well... you and i may have to have words. [[oooo... might i recommend a guestbook as well? i don't trust these note things.]]
from cdghost :
enjoyed reading your words, thank you the cdghost
from banefulvenus :
loved the banner! great site!!
from emperorincxt :
from indie-snob :
Hello there! I just saw a Beck show the other night, and just added a review for it. check it out, I have a bunch of other reviews here, too, including Coldplay. thanks!

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