messages to geniealisa:
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from snidegrrl :
there is one over-40 ring, but it only has one person in it. i left them a note. there may be others, and we just don't know it!
from snidegrrl :
thong underwear is for wearing at most, 30 minutes before commencing sexual relations. other than that? totally worthless. i mean, if you want to make it a regular thing, maybe try not starting with sparklies; something thinner and cottony, perhaps. and then, resist the urge to pull them out of your ass. you have to leave them there, and pretend like the feeling of something between your ass cheeks is good. until you actually beleive it.
from snidegrrl :
You cannot believe how much I was guffawing at your entry about your mom. I can TOTALLY hear your mom saying that stuff. I miss her!!! I definately hope I get to see you all over thanksgiving. It's going to be such a great holiday.
from puck-eater :
Hey girl! THank for the offer of the tunic. I will happily take you up on it! I'm looking forward to seing you guys this weekend. Not really anything to say just howdy ,and you rock...

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