messages to goldink:
(click here to add new message):

from deep-guilt :
interested in getting a review? check out or for a review on your design!
from funda :
Followed your banner, smiled at your favorites, enjoyed your words.
from myhorizons :
Great banner!
from persacanzona :
It always warms my heart to see other "geeks" who will openly admit to liking Austen, Hemmingway and Tolstoy--three of my favorite authors. If you were to add Thomas Hardy, O He Who Wrote of Tess, I think I might love you. Oi...which reminds me, I have summer reading to do...ciao. ^_^
from sylviashadow :
Thanks for taking my bookwhores survey. You are now an official bookwhore! Woo-hoo!--sylviashadow
from shawntasy :
damn. that was a speedy reply. thanks.
from neuroticaa :
an androgenous introverted socialist who likes cellos? marrry me? come on?
from orchdreamer :
my parents have asked me what I wanted to be since I was old enough to talk. I so know what u mean there. by the way you write beautifully! chow and have a great one :0)
from jackofhearts :
Your guestbook isn't working for me. I don't know anything about the yellow tickets you mentioned.
from retro-cheese :
Hahahaha that peeing in the shower story was hilarious. I am laughing my head off here. Encore! --Jaime
from christopherj :
hey there, it sounds like your life really sucks right now... wish I could offer something...
from stilladream :
I just figured I'd leave you a note since you left me one. I prayed that someone would read that diary, and God sent you. Thank Him! Thanks for reading! In HIM...
from bikini-kill :
hi. i like your layout and you write well.
from wingd-pony :
... and you're 14? cool.
from ironknuckel :
Hi.I love your diary.You seem like an interesting person.If you ever need anyone to talk just mail me.
from caitlin143 :
I kinda stumbled upon your diary by accident (hence the stumbling) but i just thought i'd say hey. we have some stuff in common... like dealing with sexuality while in highschool. if you ever want a buddy to bitch to, or anything. drop me a line.

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