messages to good-lace:
(click here to add new message):
from milkmaid : |
My gosh, I'm so sorry for your troubles on top of troubles on top of troubles! I'm not sure you need an antidepressant because they're for people who are depressed for no reason. You sister, have lots to get depressed over, sorry to say. I wish you all the best because you can only go up from here. Keep writing - it helps and congrats on the grandbabies! |
from zeemydust : |
*sigh* Moving back to Cali. WIll be home by Thanksgiving. |
from ilovemy240z : |
I tried to send you guys an email, dunno if you got it. Anyways... I live in TX now! Only about 8 hours from you. Would love to visit, we come see you or vice versa! *huggles* Love ya |
from ilovemy240z : |
Started writing again... |
from ilovemy240z : |
Hey babe, just catching up and wanted to say hi! *huge hugs* Love you |
from summer-gale : |
Happy New Year may everything be restored and even better real soon. I don't suppose there is talk of mardi gras this year, is there? |
from fortybuddies : |
Merry Christmas to you and your loved ones. ~ Yvonne |
from milkmaid : |
I hope you have a glorious holiday despite your current circumstances. Just think. Someday, you can look back on all of this and...write a book. Merry Christmas, Diana! |
from fortybuddies : |
The commercialism that has taken over the holiday season is awful. I don't know if I was sheltered, but I loved it when the kids were small and little presents meant so much. And the empty boxes meant more! I hope you can feel the true spirit very soon. xx, Yvonne |
from summer-gale : |
OO! A nice new template! I love it! The old one fell apart when you couldn't keep up with it. As for Christmas we are going to Disney as a family. No gifts, just get your butt to Orlando. So obviously this is a wonderful Christmas for me. But how do these people have the money to buy all these things with no jobs? Have more people come back? |
from bobrules : |
I miss you too. I'm glad things are looking up slightly down your way as well. Not to trivialize your hard times because I'm sure it sucks, but it sounds to me like it would be sort of fun. An adventure. But then again, camping is only fun for so long. I'm sure it got old very quickly. And nobody dies on Survivor. But you've got a job now. That's cool. Keep us updated. I worry. |
from summer-gale : |
I'm so happy to see you post again! I missed you. I had no idea so many people hadn't come back. It's a catch 22: no jobs = no people: No people = no need for jobs. I have no idea what kind of Christmas this will be for you but I am wishing you a wonderful loving one. |
from fortybuddies : |
My heart goes out to you, your family and friends. |
from goodsandwich : |
Oh honey -- I'm so glad and sad for you, your loved ones, and the pecan tree. More help is on the way, and you tell us if it doesn't get there. |
from summer-gale : |
I hope you are weathering the hurricane ok! You haven't posted lately but I still think of you! |
from forty-plus : |
A Thanksgiving Day {Hug} for you! I hope you have a wonderful day with your loved ones. I miss reading you. |
from goodsandwich : |
"When the generals say it's time for peace, the chances are they're right." |
from ilovemy240z : |
Hey toots, here's hoping you guys come through the hurricane ok!!! *huge hugs* This dumb computer won't let me sign your g-book, so I hope you'll see this... |
from ilovemy240z : |
Yeah, you missed a lot I guess, but you've had a lot to deal with babe. My parents were being weird so I decided not to move with them. I found THIS gem on, or I should say he found me. I've been here SIX WEEKS. Six weeks!!! ANd he can't even talk to me about what's going on???? He left me a goddamn typed note on the bed. I mean, come ON. How lame can you get? Can you believe this guy is 44 with kids my age? No wonder he's had two marriages fail. |
from pandionna : |
Well, it's a tough time in your life, and if your body is fighting something, that's going to sap your strength. You've been through so much. That you've come through it is a sign of your ability to cope and carry on. Hang in there! Hugs! |
from pandionna : |
"If assholes could fly, this place would be an airport." That has to be one of the best things I've ever read. Thanks for sharing! |
from pandionna : |
Good grief, Dianna, you're allowed to feel. I wish I could be there right now. One thing I will say: It's volunteers like you to whom modern medicine, and all the patients that follow you in new protocols, owe a great debt. |
from pandionna : |
Geez, and here I am grousing about my sister. My thoughts are with you. Take heart: Most tumors like that are benign. My MIL gets them. Hugs! |
from ilovemy240z : |
I've locked up. User is kelly password is jean. |
from chuffnutt : |
This entry,, is listed on my favourites page. |
from pandionna : |
I am so sorry to read about your friend. Yeesh, you have been through so much. Also, I am relieved your other friend is getting help. Sending many hugs to you. |
from pandionna : |
About the gun: You wouldn't have known she had it unless you moved her purse. So maybe she didn't want you to know. But once you brought it up, she told you about it, and not in an off-handed manner. I don't know her, but sounds to me like it's a cry for help. Personally, I'd call a hotline and ask their advice on what to do next, but that's just me. There are probably some local ones in your phone book. You're a smart cookie. What does your gut tell you, deep down inside? |
from pandionna : |
Hummingbirds! Oh yes, they are marvelous little creatures, aren't they? Tickles me pink to see someone wax poetic about a bird. Now I have to say, where was I during your birthday? Happy belated. Hugs. |
from inkdragon : |
My parents have eight to ten hummingbirds at their place (they have had established feeders for years). It's the coolest thing to watch the hummingbird wars that go on about territories. They look like little jets darting at and spinning around each other. It's amazing. You are so lucky to have actually seen one resting (and poohing!). Have a great day in your paradise. |
from bobrules : |
I didn't say Rush was my boy. I just said that his statement wasn't racist in the slightest and it was stupid the way people attacked him. Whatever else he's said or done in the past is completely irrelevant. The point is that he was attacked unjustly. The Dixie Chicks suck, but I defended them when they were attacked just like I'm defending Rush. |
from captainron : |
Good luck with the move and I hope you feel better... |
from inkdragon : |
Oh my word! That Cambridge University study is too cool. It's true, I read that piece without any problems except my mind was screaming...typo, typo, typo. OCD it IS a grand thing! Take care, Y. |
from squishyvan : |
I'm glad you're feeling better. And I totally agree, I will never understand the turn on in pain or why on earth anyone would go on one of those dating shows! |
from squirrelx : |
I'm so glad you're on the mend! Please take tender care of yourself and know that you remain ever in my prayers. With affection and deepest respect, Xtine |
from inkdragon : |
Ah Sweet Girl! I wish there was something I could do to take away your physical pain. I'm sending healing prayers and gentle hugs, Y. |
from ilovemy240z : |
Weird guestbook.. lol.. I tried to sign again just now, and it said I couldn't sign again this fast! Haha... what, I have to wait 12 hours?! Anyways babes, I didn't get your email, but your message is rec'd. ;) I'm glad it didn't turn out as bad as you feared it would be. You are one TUFF lady! Love ya lots *huggles* |
from inkdragon : |
Happy Birthday to your lovey, Sam! I hope you two have a wonderful weekend. (Guestbooks are down everywhere, so I had to put my message here). |
from ilovemy240z : |
'Ello luv! Just wanted to say hi and stuff. the week is almost over, yay!!! |
from squirrelx : |
Thank you so much for sendin' Light to Miz' Tate. I'd be profoundly grateful for that under any circumstances, but with all you're endurin' yourself right now, it's even more precious to me. Warmest regards, Xtine |
from squirrelx : |
You're absolutely right, jealousy is at the core of my mama's essential nature. She's never satisfied with what she's got and she looks at happiness in life as a zero sum game. That's one big reason why she and Granny were perpetually at odds. I just hope she'll leave me alone now. She's had a chance to speak her piece. Time for her to dummy up and move on. As ever, Xtine |
from desertwitch : |
Please remind your buddy Sam that he took the liberty of following me to my guestbook from YOUR guestbook due to a comment I made in response to your random-guestbook-signing posting. I think he's under the misapprehension that I owe him an everlasting, point-by-point debate AND that I am callinf for his religiosity to be imposed upon. Which reminds me, for someone who gets so upset over having things imposed over him/challenged simply in words, he seems to forget that it is in response to his support of having HIS beliefs imposed on in the real world via criminalizing abortion. There, since all I ever wanted to do was return the kind hello and comments from you in my guestbook, Sam's comments from now on will go into the great Delete hole in the sky. So go chill him out, get him some Christian concert tix or something, suggest he pop a Creed CD in the stereo and back away from that computer screen for a couple of hours -- methinks he needs it bigtime. |
from inkdragon : |
I remember reading the same thing about doctors/women/dying of heart attacks. All my contact information is at the top of my page, next to the blinking dragon! I do think I am going to have to change the design to make my guestbook more apparent. Thanks for stopping by, Y. |
from bonnie-moo : |
Thankyou for the compliments. I shouldn't let things bother me so much. It's just well, I'm the most sensitive, unconfident person you're ever likely to come across. I wish I could change :( |
from msleslie : |
Thanks for the happy thoughts you wrote in my guestbook... and in the comments too. I don't know why, but it sometimes takes a long time for the comments to show up. Anyway, I'm honored if you found something of value in my diary, and grateful that you said so.***HTDB, MsL |
from ilovemy240z : |
I dunno if I responded or not... Fridays are good, would def love to chat with you. It was sooo weird Dee, I had a dream about you last night! lmao. You were renting a room in the house next door to my parent's house, except it was weird... my friend Ofa and her kids were living there too, as was I... and there was this big ass pool in the backyard, and it was a two story house inside, although it really looked like the one story my neighbor has outside.. and we had a party by the pool. There was some kind of cake with rice crispies and M & M's in it, and other cake like stuff that my filipino friends have made... it's some kind of rice dessert with like molasses or something on top, I think they call it bibiko or bibinko... anyways. A little boy almost drowned in the pool, I jumped in and grabbed him, said the party was over, and swore I was not about to have anymore fucking parties unless we built a fence around the pool. I like, went inside looking for you when everyone was gone and you came down in a summer dress with big strappy sandals on and we went shopping. lmao. It was sooooo weird. |
from ilovemy240z : |
Thanks baby, I got it. Wow! I responded to your E. *huggles* |
from ilovemy240z : |
Damn... I'm on vacation until Tuesday... and my mailbox there is prolly full by now... when it gets full, it blocks new messages from coming in. =( Can you send it to my aol? [email protected]. Love ya! *smoochies* |
from ilovemy240z : |
Wow, sweety... I think I can guess who that person was that fessed up to the bad plot, but I don't want to name names here. And I totally feel you. It's not that I get bored talking to people online... I'm just not as "out there" to befriend EVERYONE like I used to be... because if this is the same person we're talking about, she hurt me badly too. I lost my ability to trust so easily. Once in a while, people like Jay, Monica, and Ron come along that still get in close with me... but it's with much less frequently than in the old days of Opti. ;) It was so easy then, wasn't it? Being older and wiser is not always a good thing, when the things that make us older and wiser shouldn't exist in the first place. *hugs* I love you guys. |
from captainron : |
I'm down 8 pounds in a week on basicly the same plan... Keep it up, you'll do fine :-) |
from squirrelx : |
THANK YOU for the generous compliments you left in my guestbook, and for addin' my diary to your list of fave raves. Your kindness is most profoundly appreciated. I don't have the vocabulary to express the depth of my gratitude. Best, Xtine / Squirrel X |
from dekar : |
Hey everyone! Start posting more notes here for Dee! Damn you all! *shakes a mean fist* |
from dekar : |
Oops, now how did that show up there? heh heh...heh. Uh.....bye! *runs off* |
from dekar : |
Well hey, that was an inspiring entry. I had already decided I was going to buy Madelyn a set of books by her favorite author that she hasn't bought yet (hey, it hasn't been too long yet to be nice, is it?). Good to know it's a worthwhile present. Now if only you could give me a hand in shopping for everyone else in my family too. LoL<P></P><P></P>*gulp* Help! |
from dekar : |
There you go, my queen. All written, all posted, enjoy the reading! It was hell on my poor little digits. lol |
from dekar : |
I went ahead and added a new entry to my diary for all you loving fans out there.....but my Diary seems to be giving me nothing but a blank page for the index now. THERE'S NOTHING! *cries* Mommy, help me! |
from celestine : |
I can't believe that you love the Clan of the Cave Bear series too! Nobody I know has ever read them. It's been several years since I read them all, so I think I might go back and re-read them before I read the latest one. If I can ever find the time, that is. |
from good-lace : |
He IS an animal! *lol* I'm joking....NOT! Nope, have not found one yet, but I'm going to try somemore. These animal things remind me of zodiac signs...too close to dismiss. I'd love to understand the obvious connections. Damn, I should have wrote this in yours, but that Benedryl has me goofy. Off I go to your page :-) |
from celestine : |
I see you found that site already. :-) It's fun, isn't it? Have you found one that fits Sam yet? Maybe he's just so unique you'll have to invent a whole new animal for him? *lol* |
from celestine : |
I'm really sorry to hear about your friend. You know, that's the one thing that makes me struggle with my beliefs more than anything. The fact that bad things happen to good people...and also that good things happen to bad people. It pisses me off no end when I see mean/evil/greedy/cruel people going through life with everything good coming their way and others, who never hurt anybody in their life, getting shat on from a great height. Where's the justice? |
from celestine : |
I'm always so worried that nobody will get what I'm trying to it's good to know that *somebody* does. {{{hugs}}} |
from celestine : | need to start wearing protective padding or something! :-( |
from celestine : |
The venesection was fine this time, although the doctor fussed around a lot beforehand, sighing over my small veins. He's never mentioned anything about a shunt, but I have to see him again in a couple of weeks so I'll be sure to ask him if it would work for me. Thanks for the suggestion and thankyou for thinking about me...and I hope you know that my love and thoughts are always with you too. P.S. I'm with Kelly...jealous that you get nookie twice a day!! *lol* But seriously...hearing how happy you and Sam are always make ME happy. :-) |
from ilovemy240z : |
Damn girl! You get nookie twice a day? Damn... I need to find a husband... and fast. I'm dyin oevr here! =� Love ya! Kel |
from celestine : |
I think you may be the only other person I know that cries over as many things as I do. I'm hopelessly sentimental, sensitive, mushy...whatever you want to call it. I've been known to embarrass my friends at the movies because I sob so loudly sometimes, and it's even worse if I've seen the movie before. I start crying even before anything happens...just because I know what's coming *lol*. I'm hopeless. |
from celestine : |
God, you made me laugh with the Michael Jackson/nostrils thing! :-) |
from celestine : |
I had tears in my eyes when I read your last entry, just from imagining how much it must have hurt. You poor thing...hope you feel better soon. {{Hugs}} |
from celestine : |
Awww..thanks...and you know that the exact same thing is true in reverse. I think you're awesome and I have nothing but love and respect for you *smile*. |
from bobrules : |
Did you ever wash the conditioner out of your hair or is it are hardened and caked in there now? ;o) Do you think the threes thing could have been a coincedence at first and could be psychological now? I'm sure being convinced that you're going to fall two more times can't be helpful in avoiding it. |
from good-lace : |
No problem, Richard. I was really touched by Kendall's pain over her sister's death, and her sensitivity in general. I've been trying to gather my thoughts for a long time about my sister's death, and Kendall helped me loads. Maybe I'll be able to write about it one day. |
from matilda- : |
this isnt kendall..this is richard... I have appreciated your writing on behalf of "matilda". As Im sure, Kendall herself would hope anyway that she is aware of the good intentions from those stuck on this side,etc. I was directed here by boo...just wanted to let you and your feeling heart know you've been heard. And to anyone else here distressed...death is always a slap in the face. |
from good-lace : |
Didn't the guy ever hear about "people living in glass houses...?" Aren't they always the ones who will judge you? People don't come more honest than you, sweets. He don't need to deal with it, Casey does. *Hugs* Thank you for giving me a shout. Love Ya, Dee P.S. I'm so happy you changed your mind about the videos. How can we nominate you for president with those lurking in the background? *lol* |
from bitchfight : |
Oh girl, I wish it were that simple to explain. The only words of advice that I can give you as you embark on your first online diary experience is to be very careful who you show it to. I would maybe only give it to Sam and the people that you read... and just let others stumble upon yours at random. Casey's best friend was reading and started getting on my case about... "oh, does Casey know about this" and "that" and "if I were shopping for a girlfriend, I would have been turned off permanently about three times now" and "how would you feel if you knew your young wife had been in dirty videos?" I could have said so much... but I am not like that. (just so it's cleared up, yes Casey knows about my diary, but he chose not to read it... and yes, he knew what I was contemplating regarding the videos, but I decided not to pursue it any further a while back and he knows it.) The best friend doesn't even have a diary, and I know about things that would make his wife leave him. If I told Casey about this conversation, I think Casey would leave him too. (they act like they're married... lol) He's stabbed Casey in the back before.... I really don't trust him... but I don't want to get involved. So anyways... let's just say that when there are just a few too many things going wrong and you have someone attacking you for having an online diary... that just makes it so much better. *rolls eyes* I didn't mean to worry you sis, and I'm sorry. *hugs* |
from good-lace : |
Note to myself: I'm so sad that Matilda's dead. I should have let her know that I liked reading her diary. I should have let her know that I understood about sister's dying. |
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