messages to goshdarn:
(click here to add new message):

from omnipre5ence :
Bleh, coffee.
from bluperspex :
fuckit. i hear you on the work. it truly sucks ass.
from jennyjam007 :
and i know you! how in the world did you find me? great journal!
from crazyspade :
::applause:: there are so many writings on the subj. of fat vs. ugly, and it never seems like enough.
from bizzy-b-3220 :
What's up Cheryl, sorry I've been away so long. I'm in the process of updating the last three months of my diary into one entry. I should either have it done sometime today, or in a few days, depending on how much time I get in between jobs to write it. I'll be sending the others a letter similar to this one, so until next time.
from greydeadsoul :
Toast ##### fishes eyes fishes head whats this smell oh fuck, im dead
from bizzy-b-3220 :
Hey Cheryl, what's up. If Vroomball is Courtney Vrooman, could you let her know that Cameron says sorry for being so mean to her back in the early days of high school, that I'd love to see her whenever she visits, and that I got a signed autograph from The Rock in my Varsity Jacket, and that I'd love to go see a live event with her sometime if she is a true wrestling fan! Thanks and take care.
from sickofiodine :
in response to the ford smote message: i am returning your love ^_^
from iona :
Hey, I watched the oblongs too...hmm..I kept wondering about that thing coming out of the madeline-like cartoon girl's head...if I say what I think it is you might think..well, we know where your head is...
from rushlight :
Gosh darn, you have awesome graphics! I'm 'sorta' Catholic, my dad is. I understand the pain of being dragged to Mass...ergh! Keep goin'!
from iona :
wow, I'm always impressed with your graphic designs.. okay, enough said..sorry to keep posting on your analyzer..Iona
from iona :
Thank you so much for giving me a laugh. I really made me smile when you brought up just what the word "Dido" was one step away from... Best Wishes, Iona
from sunstarr :
Thanks for signing my analyzer page! Did you sign my guestbook, too? I am glad you like my diary. I hope you become a regular fan! :-) Make sure you click on the links to my other pages as well....... (on my diary page click on "About Me" and "Forever Sisters". Lemme know whatcha think! E-hugs!!!
from iona :
Hey, you have been busy, always amaze me with all your tricks. Hopefully, I'll be posting more..YOU ROCK! Iona

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