messages to greytanit:
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from erato :
And she's back! Come back to explore the recesses of our thoughts!
from raven72d :
Bibliomancy is such a wonderful word...
from aliop33 :
i will keep you in my thoughts and heart. hopefully its just a cyst or something...
from tithonus :
Good luck - my thoughts are with you.
from ramanda :
Hello love. Thanks for the well wishes. I think I could get better if I wasn't sat at my desk 10 hours of the day working. I'm home sick from work but I think I might actually be more stressed than I am when I'm at work. At the very least I get to do it in pjs instead of pants and button down shirts. In other news yay for a job interview for a job that sounds fabu. I'll be thinking about you. Good luck!
from psychodyke :
after so many years of being non-ok... i'm not sure i would know ok... if it leapt down my throat and stopped my heart.
from halfawaken :
House cleaning? LOL... Maybe it is soothing for some... me... huh... makes me go completely insane scrubbing anything I can find. I am hyper-active all day and no one better mess with me and my broom. I would pity the one who does. Thank you for your note. It was sweet of you. I really appreciate it. Knowing that people are there really helps. ~Kayla
from tithonus :
I'm flattered that you would take the trouble. :) Deciding whether or not to do a master's is a hard one... do you get to have supervisor? I am sort of intending to get back to the PhD later... but, yeah, maybe it won't turn out that way. Who knows where life leads?
from psychodyke :
suck it. ;) so profound, i am.
from greentealeaf :
hi, such a fabulous return you make. hope you'll stay around. and although i dig the new design, i miss your old layout ..
from ramanda :
Oh! Pretty! I like this template. So simple. Like diner coffee in a white ceramic mug. Sugar and lots and lots of cream. Yay for diaryland! Yay for you.
from greentealeaf :
i .. i'm glad you're back.

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update April 6, 2020: Sorry, we just had 8+ hours downtime due to a server problem. Restoring from backups took soooo long, but everything is back and no data was lost. Ay yay yay! Anyhow, hope everyone is well with the virus stuff.

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