messages to hexa-chan:
(click here to add new message):

from hotarunolady :
I'm glad you are still alive <3! I am too, just not ol much. I'm obsessed with FFXII right now and it's sucking me away from my lovely computer, and since my internet access company was bought by another company and I don't like that company I haven't been too anxious to hop ol.
from homesick06 :
Heyy!! Thanks for filling out my survey. I liked reading your answers.
from cocksucker69 :
Random Insanity Rules!!!
from beautigirl :
Thank you for taking my survey! I like your diary too. -Jenna
from madbymad :
Ohkay, it must be so annoying that I changed my diary name again..but this is toms-gal...I lost my pass word, so i tired getting it back, i can't get into my email either..but..i've got this one!
from gumphood :
oh its something to go by. I am a little twisted.
from toms-gal :
Oh but i love the rain. Hehe. Rainy days are what make me smile most.Oh hmm, i wonder about the polsih people and the war on terror now...well i'm off, i have to write a lot of things for english class dear. Bye! *waves*
from nubian-angel :
hey girl, it's been a while. it's been damn busy lately with work, school and settling at home. i hope everything's well with you. just made a drastic change in my layout, lol..have a great weekend!!
from kuri-chan :
Me likey your layout ^_^
from kuri-chan :
hey ^^ I just re-read Lords and Ladies as well (I found your diary from a GW survey you did). Love to Granny Weatherwax, she's the coolest character. I've moved on to Carpe Jugulum again now. Yey ^^ More Granny. Any way, I shall stop rambling ^^ I'll be reading your diary a bit more if that's okay?
from damned-saint :
Hey there. I took your GW survey and was pleased. I'm just happy to find another Gundam Wing fan out there, you know? Talk to me if you want. -Yranigami-
from cyberpurple :
I didn't take the hint about stopping reading your diary because I believe that online diaries are there for people to read and that anyone has the right to read them if they want to. But as you have asked I will take you off my buddy list. I know your comments in your most recent entry were aimed at me and they were a little harsh but I also know that you completely don't understand my situation at the moment (mostly because due to the fact legal proceedings are likely to be involved in the future I haven't discussed it in detail online) so I will just let it go, we are each entitled to our own opinions afterall.
from pornoviolent :
She-Monster: Starred in the 1962 film "THe AStounding She-Monster". Her special powers are that she can glow. And when she glows she can kill you with her fingertip. She also walks backwards out of rooms and is bulletproof. I guess you could say "low-budget" special effects, but still definitely one of my favorite movies. Just watching her walk around glowing turns me on. She eventually is killed when a man throws acid at her, but she lives in the hearts of americans.
from hotarunolady :
Hi-hi! I like your new background, but for some reason the tagboard isn't working for my computer :(. YAY!! Do Quistie next, she's my favorite! I think I'm just about as nuts about the olympics. Mamochan can't figure out why because 1) I'm not a sports fan. NOT AT ALL! 2) Olympic sports (especially more of the individual ones like I enjoy) are about 20 mins of some life history of the athlete, usually some sob story of very sappy story of hope and then anywher from about 2 seconds to a minute of them actually doing something. Then you repeat the process. I still love it though. I'm kinda bummed hough because over NBC has like six channels covering the events and I only get two (well one and half because one has bad reception) and that's the main one. Because rythmic gymnastics is not popular in the US, there won't be any coverage I can see.
from shiroi--fuyu :
Hi =) Have a nice day ^_^ I really like your background! -Yuzu
from ashalash :
I wanted to say thank you for filling out my survey! -- Ash
from peesblossom :
Thank you.. I love it to..and it shows what i belive in..I mean its wrong to tell people they can't be gay.
from peesblossom :
Thanks!! That amkes me feel loads better. And i don't know why i even thought it matter what people think i look like. Like you said its the inside that counts.. So thanks..that entry in your diary made me soooo happy. today, i must say it was the best part of my day.
from star-heart :
Hey babes thanks for the note in my guestbook. I'm sorry I've not been in touch, I'll e-mail you soon. I'm glad things seem to be going ok for you at home and that your doing alright. And just think, you get to go back to uni in september while I am stuck here still (and I am very jealous of that fact). love and chocolate, Emma
from peesblossom :
Thanks!! sure go ahead
from peesblossom :
Ohh thats cool.At least you live near london.Can i add you to my buddy list?
from hexa-chan :
I just sent myself a note...It's too early in the morning for this sort of thing!
from hexa-chan :
I agree, I am a huge fan of fantasy. Writing, to my mind, is the ultimate escapism. I don't live *in* London but near enough ^-^
from peesblossom :
Hey you live in london?!?!Thats where i want to live.Its near my fav. athor jk rowling.I want to wirte short stories and children novels.but manly fantsy.I think its the best kind of wirteing cuase it takes you to a place where deep down inside you you know its real.
from peesblossom :
hey.I think its soo cool that its your dram.Ohh what collage do you go to?
from peesblossom :
hi my name is brittany.I like your diary,do you like to write.That what i want to be when i'm old enough,a writer.but hey can i ask where your movieing to?
from jason-didner :
Hi Hexa - I found your mention of my song when doing a Google search! I'm thrilled that you like the song - it's a special one for my wife and me! Please write me; I'd love to hear from you! is gone, but that song is on my album at CD Baby and for streaming at Soundclick! Jason Didner Clean-cut Rocker with Humor, Heart and Soul
from star-heart :
Where have you gone? I haven't seen you for a couple of days and you haven't updated. Are you OK?
from star-heart :
ALL your works is done? *is jealous*
from star-heart :
I only got a letter because I asked for written confirmation of when I had to be out by.
from star-heart :
I think you got the wrong end of the stick about chucking out day; we have to leave 13th June... July 9th is officially the last day the lecturers work which means we will have our results by then but we're out on June 13th... I got a letter from accommodation stating that last week.
from nubian-angel :
hey hexa, hope everything went well with your presentation ^_^
from star-heart :
the verdict is you owe me �15 give or take a few pence
from star-heart :
today is ten days since I've had chocolate... and i don't even think i want any. however if you really want chocolate take those damn double choc cookies from my cupboard, it'll save me killing chelle next time she starts eating them and offering them to me. yeah this is a really random note.
from little-world :
I know what you mean about going home. Don't get me wrong I love home and my family, but now that I've settled into halls, I love the freedom - no-one wanting to know what I've been doing or where I'm going. There's always people about if I want a chat or some company, but at the same time if I want I can be left to get on with stuff - and it's so easy to pass time!! :)
from nubian-angel :
hey hexa, i can't help it in changing layouts =oP ,i'll have the TLC layout back out soon...take care...
from nubian-angel :
hey hexa, i'm glad you love the layout, thanks for the compliment, you really kicked ass on that score....keep it up! =o) .... {hugs}
from nubian-angel :
hey girl...i hope your headache's gone soon
from blu-savvi :
You have a wonderful layout. Hope life is treating you well.
from star-heart :
Go you big red fire engine :oP
from nubian-angel :
hey girl, what are your collections? here's mine...Akira | Animatrix | Black Jack | Black Magic M66 | Blood: The Last Vampire | Cowboy Bebop:. Sessions 1-5 of 26 | Cowboy Bebop: Knockin' on Heaven's Door | Devil Hunter Yohko:. Series 1-5 of 6 | Ghost in the Shell | Grave of the Fireflies | Millinium Actress | Perfect Blue | Spirited Away | Princess Mononoke | Vampire Hunter D: Bloodlust | friend gave me the 1st episode of "slayers" on VHS, i haven't finished watching it, i wasn't sure how it would turn out, i heard "Ramna 1/2" is a comedy, you've seen it? i've download a the first few episodes of "Lain"...pretty weird, but cool...take care :D
from nubian-angel :
hey you! thanks for the luv....i see that you've finally gotten your peace and quiet, i wouldn't be able to move out til next year, thank god, mentioned about some PS2 games, i'm not sure what type you're into, but i bought my younger brother "true crimes: streets of LA", you've heard of it?
from star-heart :
try looking on the people whose videos they are (like Jade)'s personal websites they might be cheaper, thats how i got my ultimate workout one, it was loads cheaper. or try e-bay.
from clauren :
Thanks for answering my survey, bestbookoos. And the last answer...was the best one I have ever heard. Your joke was funny but the sentence was a blast of laugh..Thank you again.
from nubian-angel :
hey there, just stopped by to show some love...hope everything's well....take care, one... :)
from star-heart :
Congrats on 100%! What u doing tonight? I might have convinced chelle to leave her house again
from hilseymour :
soz, I'm in a bad mood.
from hilseymour :
shepherds. s.h.e.p.h.e.r.d.s. You wanna be a journalist?
from star-heart :
You have to come tonight! It's not a big group, just four or us and two of them have to leave early. You've already met Sarah anyway so its just two new people (one of whom is gorgeous)and they don't bite, promise.
from darkness691 :
Surfin' around, saw your banner, took your survey =). Cool stuff!
from star-heart :
We still going out to eat tomorrow night?
from ladybugge :
Thanks for filling out my survey. Nice to meetcha. L
from little-world :
Hello. Thanks for my note. It was really nice of you, and nice to know that someone reads my diary! I was getting a little hysterical last night, but I'm calm now!! :) I've done some reading, and I'm gunna stay calm (hopefully!)!! :) x x x
from radiochick :
dude, i read your profile and it said that you liked something corporate.. and i just wanted to say i saw those guys last night live..and started crying they were so good. ~ from someone you don't know ~ michelle
from star-heart :
bikini wax
from hilseymour :
for the record, I would have stle the picture too, but then thinkin about it, they'd know you stole it when it appeared in the paper, so maybe it's not such a good idea. Last year in Women In Journalism module, Sarah Rowlands gave us a moral dilemma too about having booked studio time to make a tv programme, and it having been booked for months and there's only this one day you can do it, and you're the boss, and then you get a phone call telling you your son's got menengitis - would we drop everything and go, or wait til the end of the day and go a few hours later? Opinion was quite divided as I recall! Can't remember what I said. uni life is fab.
from star-heart :
Remember Remember the Fifth of November, Gunpowder Treason and Plot. I See No Reason Why Gunpowder Season Should Ever Be Forgot
from little-world :
I don�t know how it�s meant to be written but it definitely looks fine to me!! It is informative and you put across points from both sides of the argument, with quotes from people, not just entirely using your own views, which shows that time and research has taken place. And I like the use of rhetorical questions. Hope you get a good mark for it. Good luck!!
from hilseymour :
where'd your gbook go then? The articles fine if you ask me. The only thing I would say is that John Herbert (he's left now) always told us we shouldn't write questions, but answer them cos that's the journalist's job. (e.g. the question in your first paragraph) I always really struggled with that, always catching myself doing it and trying to find another way to put it! I don't know why though, cos you see it in articles all the time! Say hi to Stoke for me!
from star-heart :
bikini wax
from star-heart :
ok that was the most random note ever. am tired and have been by myself all day, blame it on that. sorry.
from star-heart :
did she do something today to deserve being called evil bitch from hell or was it just all the other stuff? she was certainly full of it when youse got back tho. we still on for the pub tomorrow?
from little-world :
Hiya!! Thanks for leaving me a note!! My first one!! YAY!!! I also wasn't expecting you to add me to your favourites list, so thanks!! :) I'm at Southampton uni, and it's raining at the mo!! Apart from that, it's good!! By the way, I'm also the one who left you a note in your guestbook, but forgot to write their name!! ooppss!! :) x x
from star-heart :
where has your guestbook gone? lucky you not having to hear imo screeching, theres only about 3 or 4 of us here including me and her!!
from star-heart :
Sorry you don't feel well hon! Enjoy home if you go but make sure you come back because I'd miss you if you didn't and we have to go to comedy club again!! If you get down again come and find me, i don't mind if you take it out on me Em x
from sole-soul :
I like your diary. Not sure why... but I do! Just thought I would share that random fact with you. And by the way, have you ever had a drink of milk and wondered "who was the first guy to look at a cow and say hey, why dont we squeeze those dangling things and drink whatever come out..." Enjoy!
from sleepyzoe :
Look at the previous entry I posted...I actually have photos of my old 'hood. Doesn't look as bad as it actually was. I grew up middle class, too...I've just lived in an El Crappo neighborhood with a freak for a neighbor the past two years. Apparently people find my surburbian attitude too uppity to consider my former 'hood a ghetto. I guess I have to be on the brink of starvation and have no running water in order to want to better my surroundings. Ha!
from bellamante :
Thank you so much for that note. That was so sweet of you, comments like that certainly make things a little easier...very nice to have support. :) I appreciate it. .... On a completely different note, I noticed you have J.K.Rowlings on your favorites list, have you read the new Harry Potter?
from bellamante :
Well thank you! I'm going to link you as well. :)
from bellamante :
I just noticed that you have me as a favorite! Thank you! How did you find my diary?
from sleepyzoe :
Eep! No guilt, Sweet Pea...I didn't think you were bashing at all! I was just makin' an observation; a general comment about how I feel about those who DO America-Bash! :)
from sleepyzoe :
I don't think you have a guestbook, so I'll sign here. Though I know you're not 'American bashing' I can assure you that Bush is not by any means a fair representation of the rest of us. Unfortunately, because of him, the rest of the world hates us.
from littleme42 :
U are very welcome... anytime. ***blinks***
from littleme42 :
Aril fucking suxs
from ky-chan :
Ahh!!!! I love anime, manga, and especially yaoi! Yay ^O^! Love your journal, continue to write for your fans.

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