messages to iamelated:
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from fallstarrevu :
♥ Hiya, if you would like a review or know anyone who needs a review, please refer them to FallingStar Reviews. We are currently looking for reviews and reviewers. We provide reviews that give a detailed and constructive criticism for the benifit of the diaryist. We are not here to provide an ego boost, nor are we here to rip you diary to shreds. Just to produce a good, constructive review xxx ♥
from moonsocket :
this. is. a. reminder.
from moonsocket :
this. is. a. reminder.
from leggyblond :
i am elated too. how very nice of you!
from leggyblond :
spiritualized, r.e.m. hefner, asian dub foundation, mercury rev, gorky's... what? there is another person in this world who likes the same bands as me? hey, try pj harvey, cornershop and witness my friend. you will like them.
from soliloquymj :
You spelled "Memento" wrong.
from moonsocket :
hey you! i would just like to pass on some information i think might pertain to you, judging by your exquisite taste in music. i am accompanying a band across canada as their photographer/merchandise pusher, and there are 3 dates upcoming in your current locale. if you have nothing to do and are still in the area, you should come out and see what it's all about. we'll be in vancity on july 30 @ the pic pub, again on aug 09 @ the brickyard and then the 10 @ the vertigo @ uvic. it will be nothing but good times, i assure you! cheers to that!
from moonsocket :
you hit the confused little nail right on the top of it's hHead. i couldn't have put it any better. i'm feeling it 100%.....we must not forget to come up for air! hope you're feeling better today.
from moonsocket :
decided to try an entry over here! you needed more, what brought you out west? anything to get away from the sickening heat/humidity of onterrible, right?!! what are you taking at mac? my cousin goes there and my uncle is part of the faculty too. you originally from 'donut town'? i was born and raised there for 13 years. i guess it will always be 'home'. although i prefer the west! i guess that's all i have to say about that right now. don't want to bug you out any! keep enjoying the caost, you're missing nothing but god-awful humidity back here! ~ciao~
from winnipeger :
hodwy. I notice that you listed transister sound and lighting co as one of your fav bands. i have been looking for some of there music for some time but am unable to locate. i was wondering if you had any of there cds and if so if it is possible for me to download them off of you. [email protected]. thanks a lot

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