messages to inthepresent:
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from revisions :
so are you leaving us here at d-land?
from realthoughts :
hey, I was gonna email you, but couldn't find an address listed. I have no idea how I never noticed this before, but you're in California?? so you had to go through the exact same credentialing requirements that I am right now, huh? hmmm...if you get a chance, email me at [email protected]...
from realthoughts :
that's exactly how I was about Ayn Rand's Atlas Shrugged about a year ago - it changed me. and part of me wanted no one else to know the secret knowledge and experience I had gone through, but another part of me wanted everyone to know and think just as I thought too.
from realthoughts :
I don't know if this is going to sound weird - but thanks for being optimistic about teaching. I'm going back to school for my credentials, and it seems like everyone I've run into recently who teaches dosen't like it, or simply says that it's hard...and I like reading your entries and being reminded of why I want to go into this new career field in the first place.
from revisions :
thanks for the note, i have to check out that song...the difficulty now comes in reminding myself to keeping embracing my, how should i put it....unique qualities...:) i'd agree with you about the need for multiple loves of varying degree in our lives...but i do want to include romantice love in there...i guess that was my attempt at qualifying romantic love - "real love" - i think it is something you choose to do, not just feel, and that is where the self sacrifice comes in.
from revisions :
you know, this might sound incredibly idealistic - but i think real love demands that we sacrifice everything.
from realthoughts :
I think I agree with you that being in a romantic relationship is, in a way, a very selfish thing. I talked a little about this in my psychological egoism essay...also, speaking as a mid-twenties girl who for years has also had that pressure to "find someone", and then who suddenly did find that person - it's true when you're the single one hanging out with couples, you get jealous. you want someone and you want what you percieve to be their happiness. so, yeah, I just wanted to let you know that I agree with you on that.
from rainforme :
in my current state, saying i enjoy for simple enjoyment could be a defensive stance. i know what's up. hope to hear from you.
from rainforme :
it wasn't inappropriate, it was how you felt and it was honest and i appreciate that a lot. i just kicked back with my honesty. i think we try too hard, do you get it? everyone just sort of tries too hard to find meaning, but that makes you hurt more, to always be berating yourself for some pleasures that aren't "supposed to be" good. i'd still like that coffee, especially since i consider you a friend. but
from rainforme :
what the? are you ignoring my e-mail?!
from revisions :
well i stumbled upon your diary through the excellent linkage of rainforme and realthoughts...and i'm honestly have a gift with words...
from rainforme :
yes. but i think it is possible to enjoy the materialism without being reliant on it for your happiness, which is where i find myself. hope you are well. xo.
from aglaia :
I completely agree with you regarding finding the 'personal' either over the phone or with the written word. My mother pretty much refuses to email but then is bummed when my dad and I have all these coversations (over email) and she is left out! Talking on the phone is always "hi, yes, doing fine...things are great, thanks" with me so just because it's my voice doesn't make it 'personal'!
from rainforme :
i love jack too!!! and his albums just keep getting better. are u going to his concert in august?
from cosmopolitn :
I ran across your diary a couple of days ago and the way you write had me hooked..It is a gift to write so well and it is truly a joy for me to read...I hope you don't mind that I added you to my list.. Your last entry reminds me of the many men I have known of (through stories of my friends fathers and my fiancee's father), who simply have never lived up to their title of "Dad". For all of those men who couldn't be a dad, sadly, it is the children who are affected the most..But, for every bad father, there is the exception of the child/children who learn from his mistakes, or as you put it, don't learn his habits... I don't know if I am putting this as well as I would like, and even though I don't know you, thank you for not taking that path, as you so easily could have...You sound like you are a wonderful teacher and will someday be a wonderful dad, the kind you never had...
from rainforme :
happy birthday!!!!!!!!!!
from rainforme :
heya... here's an interesting thing... you know the swastika is actually the buddhist version of a cross? it represents balance and the nazis stole it from buddhism.
from rainforme :
naughty! thanks for the synonym, but you have to remember... those types of funny things just don't translate, which, of course, makes it even funnier for me.
from realsimple :
my friend at work left cd's on my desk one day to listen to...and one of them was mason jennings...and loved him ever since :)
from rainforme :
fabulous. very well said and exactly how i feel.
from twsmith23 :
You don't sound arrogant to me, you just sound like the great teacher i always knew you'd be. You're making a difference CT, and no one can take that away from you. For that, i applaud you. Love hearing from you, love reading you. Keep it up... twsmith23
from aglaia :
Lol, your description of the "hot daughter" at the gym was great! Isn't it so true though? Even the GIRLS can't keep their eyes off of the "hot daughter" because she's just there...flaunting it all. It is funny because you try not to stare, but at the same see everyone else staring at well.
from rainforme :
trust me when i say you probably know as much grammar now as you will by the end of the program... most schools are only interested in your american accent... not your ability to teach and you'll find that most foreign teachers know english grammar better than you ever will... though, you're an english teacher already... so maybe the same. i'm glad you've decided to go, just be careful about romanticizing it... i did and the reality is a shock. enjoy rome, it's amazing. and yes, you can see the pope, he has appearances at the vatican, where he comes out on this little balcony. you just have to time it right when you go there. have fun.
from rainforme :
i've been reading buddhism as well and though it seems logical to think good and bad are mere perceptions... i think you could also argue that there are inherent morals, people naturally do not harm children... this could never be good. now whether you view it as result of genetics and survival is another thing, but i think we have it inherent without perceptions, that hurting children is bad and wrong. what do you think?
from rainforme :
you better call her.
from rainforme :
admirable donation. i wish i could have given more.
from twsmith23 :
No one told me you were going to San Diego to visit Sara. I'm very jealous! By the way, are you coming back home for xmas at all?? Keep up the writing friend...
from rainforme :
these are diaries... it wouldn't be interesting if there wasn't some "i" involved. we are all "i"s because our lives color our views, as do our experiences in the world. i don't like day-loggers though, so i see your point.
from omnipre5ence :
It is - I find it incredibly difficult to not talk about things from my point of view. I understand where you're coming from, and I agree that it's important to branch out sometimes, but a blog is a personal tool that [I think] we all use to get the sludge off our minds. Even so, it would be nice if there were more people that took the time to talk about something else besides their lives. =)
from omnipre5ence :
It is - I find it incredibly difficult to not talk about things from my point of view. I understand where you're coming from, and I agree that it's important to branch out sometimes, but a blog is a personal tool that [I think] we all use to get the sludge off our minds. Even so, it would be nice if there were more people that took the time to talk about something else besides their lives. =)
from aglaia :
Why, yes I did go on a "diary reading extravaganza." But now you have me very curious--how did you know that?! :-)
from penfifteen :
The Christmas tree is actually Pagan in origin: I love pointing this out to those folks who complain about putting the "Christ" back in Christmas.
from aglaia :
There's something so incredibly powerful about poetry that finds its own rhythm in your soul so that it matches perfectly with what you're really thinking and feeling. And when it does 'namaste' and when it doesn''s like the worse sound ever and you cringe or shrug because what else can you do?
from rainforme :
it's easier to focus on imagination than reality and until that changes, i fear entertainment will always reign supreme... and so will ignorance.
from penfifteen :
Have you read Infinite Jest by David Foster Wallace? It's an absolutely brilliant novel about our obsession with entertainment.
from faithopeluve :
I would absolutely agree, writing is damn cool and I'm very glad your back because I missed yours!
from twsmith23 :
Good to see you back buddy! You seem to have dropped off the face of the planet for a while there. You owe me an email, let me know how you been out in sunny CA (you missing the six inches of snow i got last night??)
from rainforme :
excuse me... what do you mean no more updates? i'll miss your insight. i'm glad to hear you will be writing in a paper journal. never stop writing. xo.
from rainforme :
funny you mention that... it was one of my first impressions. smiling people, yet... it felt fake somehow. hmm.
from rainforme :
i am so looking forward to everything you just said, even though it sounds exhausting. you are now my inspiration. i hope i am as passionate about teaching as you are.
from twsmith23 :
I've been wondering where you been and what you've been doing! Good to hear things are going well in the classroom for you buddy. I'll think of you this weekend when i'm in IC at the game!
from rainforme :
i'm glad your sickness is passing. hey... is your friend tw ever going to turn his notes on? tell him i think his most recent entry is brilliant. thanks. :)
from rainforme :
well said. no worries... i knew it wasn't directed at me. that's the reason i love diaries, they tend to spark ideas into fiery entries.
from rainforme :
passionate opinions aren't always so bad, as long as you remain open to the other side. good entry.
from rainforme :
there is more sound in silence at times... no? have a safe trip back, teacher.
from jadedphoenix :
This world is built on stereotypes and assumptions about our surroundings and about other people. There is a reason for that. For security, for progression, and for survival. There will always be an exception to every rule. There will always be outliers - however we need to make broad statements sometimes in order to move forward, in order to understand, in order to relate. Yes, we are all different in numerous ways, and when I make statements that are broad I too realize that there are going to be individuals who don't fit into that statement - but the point is that for the most part - there's some truth to what is being said. Every stereotype has its basis in some form of reality - keep that in mind. I am not a fan of sterotypes, I am just saying that in order to make progress as a writer, as an individual, as a psychologist, as thinker - we all need to make some leaps - and there are going to be times when those leaps happen to skip over something unintentional - but for now - I'm going to bank on the sun rising tomorrow - and not really ponder too heavily the idea that just because it has risen every day of my life doesn't mean it logicaly will rise tomorrow - sometimes you just gotta think and speak from what you feel - and from your own frame of reference - and let the pieces fall where they may... thanks for the response!
from jadedphoenix :
If we assume Karma to be the collective sum of our actions in retrospect, then we are implying a sense of fate - destiny perhaps. An unalterable state of being that is unescapable, for to change it is impossible, and to alter it is already considered expected. So, having said that, why would it matter how signifficant or insignifficant our actions are - aren't we simply the collective played out result of some master karma plan - a sum of pre-defined disaster? Or do you believe that we actually knowingly have control over that which we believe is our purpose... Just curious - I loved the story!
from rainforme :
it had similarities to your last entry... it's okay... interesting concept, entertaining movie. check it out, let me know what you think.
from rainforme :
have you seen the butterfly effect?
from rainforme :
that last one was folded into a triangle and flicked across the room. SCORE!
from rainforme :
!! crickets are good luck! it was probably the non-denominational higher power sending you a laugh!
from rainforme :
that was a wonderful image... hmm, mental orgasm. fantastic. only had to make sure you know the love descriptions were a quote from a male friend. hope that doesn't ruin the afterglow. :D xo.
from rainforme :
hello... thanks for the note. how are u?
from rainforme :
thank you, mr. teacher. xo
from rainforme :
hello there... your diary is insightful, opinionated and entertaining. aka - i like it a lot and i'm adding you. take care!
from penfifteen :
I'm slowly making my way through your diary, and I want you to know how I appreciate your honesty. I wish I'd discovered your diary before I moved from southern California! If you ever feel the urge to e-mail a like-minded stranger, my inbox is ever open at [email protected]. Keep writing, reading, teaching, living.
from faithopeluve :
You finally got your notes set up...yeah!!! And your recent entries have been quite comical.

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