messages to janeygirl7:
(click here to add new message):

from bodangls :
Jan, you have a ridiculous number of entries.
from silentforest :
Hey, we're not all gone you know. Well, at least I'm not. Just done writing is all, doesn't mean I'm done listening. I mean, if that's ok and all. IM or call me or something sometime if you want to talk.
from summer-day :
IM or call me if you want to talk about things. I dont know what's giong on w Kev, but Im here.
from summer-day :
And it's really close to me...
from lovemyfriend :
thank you for your note .. my group meetings have been going well and I start up with therapy in a couple of weeks .. until then, I'm just taking things one day at a time ...
from summer-day :
Case Western is a really good school. Stu is going, and I almost did. You'd be in the 40% of females that go there. So...a lot of guys to choose from, and almost all of them are smart.
from summer-day :
Sorry that you are miserable. I am glad that italy won. I don't know why you hate them. And whats this about a 20 yr old?
from silentforest :
You know what Jan.... I don't think anyone is ever ready. For any of it. Never ready to be a senior, never ready to graduate, never ready to leave this life behind and start a new one. But it's happeneing ready or not, and the best thing you can do is just hold your breath and jump in with both feet. Oh yeah, and don't forget to rock the hell out of your world along the way.
from rc-cola :
u know something? i read ur profile title and now 4 the life of me i cant get that song 4m west side story outta my head
from silentforest :
Thank you. That... means more than you know. Just, thanks.
from silentforest :
Yeah, it was Pooh. Watched it myself. :P Strange how much things change, no?
from bodangls :
Hiya Jan Jan! Because I am seriously behind on the news, may I ask what exactly Mr. President has done now to spur this rant?
from i-am-drath :
watch me handling your opinion. I used to hold that opinion but I changed my mind. not handling your opinion would be like completely flipping out and heckling you at school and stuff. Also, I was angry yesterday or whenever about politics in general
from i-am-drath :
fucking bitch about the GSA and then put "love" at the end? wtf is wrong with you? yeah maybe GSA is a little provocative, but if you haven't noticed, sexuality is everywhere at school. and bigots, they're all over too.
from rosebud-lips :
Logsdon, my dear.
from rosebud-lips :
C'est tres delicieux! (Mozarella)
from i-am-drath :
that bastard was probably me mum
from rosebud-lips :
I want to help with the car wash!! And I also subscribe to Teen Vogue and went thorugh that phase last year and some this year.
from i-am-drath :
yeah it was just juniors
from i-am-drath :
go janet! show that cereal lady!
from rosebud-lips :
Matzo can be enjoyed all year. It's not just for Passover. It is used in many traditional Jewish meals.
from beautifulwoe :
hey janeygirl, click on my email link and email me your mailing addy and i'll email you mine... it'll be fun!!! I can't get in your diary cause it's locked!!!
from i-am-drath :
hey, jus' droppin by to leave a note. howdy
from galaxyrabbit :
no, kisses are the best. :x
from i-am-drath :
i dont recall holden caufield using sexy a lot, but maybe I'm wrong. i know he used the word "phony" a lot. when I say holden I mean from "catcher in teh rye."
from nate-o :
just returning the favor, thanks a million for the compliment about my "writing style-y thingie" and have a good day
from jackthripper :
Email me if you want the password to my diary [email protected]
from galaxyrabbit :
hi! i gave you the password, right?
from bodangls :
Heya. Dunno why I'm writing you a note. Do you hate me now? Becuase you keep talking about how there are two ppl in your inner circle you can stand and I keep thinking "Well that's obviously Kev and Mair. And... erm... neither of those names are Kiwi... so I guess she really doesn't like me...", which is really not a nice thought. Loves you, Kiwi
from galaxyrabbit :
HA!!! love.
from rosebud-lips :
You could start by getting back together with old friends. I miss your company! Hopefully I didn't piss you off too much that you won't come back!
from galaxyrabbit :
i love you too.
from silverlamp :
You go to Dunbar and I will scalp you. With a rusted butterknife. That's a crappy school. Well, I'm pretty sure that you won't go, but don't even consider it. Please. Pretty, pretty please with a cherry on top?
from ana-mia-life :
ana/mia doesn't come easily to me, trust me. i suffer a lot and i fail a lot :/
from galaxyrabbit :
oh no no no, that was just in reference to real-life people, not diaryland folks. read all you want! as edgar(frog) says, read until your eyes bleed!
from galaxyrabbit :
private? it's not private! read all you want! who said it was private?
from silverlamp :
Haha, wot? Maybe I'll tell you someday, if I remember or if you ask. And then I'll remember and tell you. Are you still making cupcakes and cakes and whatnot?
from jackthripper :
Thank you so kindly, dear one. I had no idea of how many readers I had, honestly. You all have been so sweet. Rest assure, I will return to read your etchings, dear one. *bows, offers you a rose* Until then, I bid you adieu.
from silverlamp :
SCREW YEW! Dude, I practially FAILED French. I know I bombed the final. Dude, you so suck. Not really, I'm just insanely jealous. Did you see Kev in his tux?!? Haha, stylin.
from janeygirl7 :
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from bodangls :
i've only got 3 friends that i can really talk to, and i never get to talk to mair anymore. fucking schedule. sorry i haven't been around to talk to so far, but the sarahs and jacob are here so it's kinda hectic. you wanna sleep over at my house sometime? we don't leave for gran's until tuesday morning, at somewhere around 1030 i think.
from bodangls :
hey! it's kate. i made a public diary. so now you can read about all the things that have happened in my day that i have already written you a note about and told you verbally.
from a-little-off :
Thanks for stopping by. This is me "kinda" saying hi back.
from laskakitty :
i never thought about skipping lunch. i'm not sure they let us at my school. they've blocked alot of websites. i'll check it out tomorrow. thanks!
from ilovetictacs :
:( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :(
from psychokiwi :
Hey. I'm... leaving you a note. w00t. Does Matt not know about your diary? I won't tell him if you don't want me to. Yeah so umm I've really not got anything to say but you're not here right now so... I'm babbling, aren't I.... I wanted to do something. I'll leave you alone now. Ciao!
from ilovetictacs :
Hey... the stupid bastards pretended to be me, too :(:( They're so stupid Gaaah I will never be nice to them again ever or something (gods I'm weak- I can't be mad at people)
from laskakitty :
:dances around: tra la la he's gone
from laskakitty :
I should dump him and just be done with it, but I keep hoping every day that he will save me the trouble. We haven't actually spoken in 3 days, so maybe soon. Maybe tomorrow.
from laskakitty :
I've thought about dumping him, but it's easier to be dumped, I think. Also, less of a slur on his manhood if he dumps me. I don't have the energy to break up with someone! I really ought to, though. I'll think about it.
from laskakitty :
Hi.... I'm back. I wrote an entry to you. I feel like a loser. Umm... yeah, bye.
from ilovetictacs :
JanJan we need to talk :D ... I keep forgetting to tell you about TUP and ER! hehehe TUP got really mad at ER I almost felt sorry for him because... well, I'll tell you later- and remember JanJan you're perfect! and fg is an idiot.....really...
from laskakitty :
Hey. I just randomly found your diary... I like it. Very honesty. Most people try to write for an audience. I read all your entries... I really agree with a lot of what you said and I'm going through the same stupid "I'm fat" shit. I hate it. Blah. Actually I read on some health website that it takes 3600 calories for any person to gain wait. That's 3600 calories that your body doesn't use for breathing and pumping blood and stuff like that. Likewise, you have to eat 3600 less calories than what you use to lose a pound. 3600 is a lot. I eat too much. It's my mom that's the bitch, she gets drunk and she goes on about how I'm lazy and don't work hard enough and when SHE was young she always had to take care of her 3 siblings.... she's a bitch. This is too long. Bye.
from ilovetictacs :
Janet.... you really can't use that Algy 2 thing as a guideline... it was in comparison with a guy. You are a girl. Girls are supposed to weigh more than guys (except for those guys with man boobs and to self:: that usually come from extraneous surgery (did I use that right? probb not..) Janet, I wish I could just go 'snap out of it' and you would realize how beautiful you are (and you are sooooo skinny, honestly, I have no idea why you think that you're fat, because you're not) .... Ciao!
from ilovetictacs :
Janet! You're going to make me depressed! Not fair! :D Now I know all the things you won't tell me.... hehehe jkjkjk
from rikonammi :
u wrote me a note so i thought should return the favor..durn no i cant think of anything 2 say cept we have met once, whether u remember or not is fine. luv the new shiny template i almost chose the same one.chao
from sweet-malice :
lol.. i dont know if i already signed this but if not.. here goes.. thanks! I like my layout too lol ;P I can make you a custom if you want.. they are just a few bucks! :) By the way, Merry Xmas! :) -Blanca 12/25/03
from rosebud-lips :
So am I the bad sister now? I want to know who this Indian guy is. I have a small list of guys that I would sleep w/ at Clay. We can compare! Haha...
from beingana :
yup...the last line is, "I heard him exclaim ere he drove out of sight, 'Merry Christmas to all, and to all a good night.'" i wish you the same. ana
from antigy :
been a while since i left u a note, so just hold on thru finals and as a little gift to help ya, i'll give ya ur x-mas gift early on tues or fri. i loves ya bye
from antigy :
just saying hi, and errrmm welcome to the internet? it um is shiny and it um does stuff? well anyway, check my profile if ya wanna see some other ppl's diarys i guess, c ya at skool

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