messages to jelliejar:
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from awkwardpause :
Don't hate hope. Without hope, no wrong deeds can be righted. Nothing can be done without a hope. People without hope either hurt themselves or hurt others. Knock it off.
from awkwardpause :
Well, I was sort of bored and so decided to add something. Perhaps I'll update on both my diaryland diary and my livejournal for a while. I like the capabilities of both, but both seem to lack something I like in layout. So, to answer your question; yes, and no.
from awkwardpause :
Dear dear Jenna. You seriously must consider lowering your blood pressure. It's unhealthy. But yes, I admit I haven't been writing enough. Partly because there is little to write about, partly because none of my diaryland readers have followed me over to livejournal, thus creating little incentive for me to write if no one reads them. Perhaps if I had a reader fan-base then I would feel the need to write more often. However, I have recently fallen into a bout of creativity and have remembered that with a little imagination, even the must dullest of lives can be entertaining. Heck, I've been doing it for about two years. So fear not, Jenna, I have heeded your whines, and resolve now to continue writing at an accelerated rate, and hopefully, the anger and comedy will return with it.
from awkwardpause :
Thanks. That is mostly the main goal of my diary, to cheer up people who've had shitty days/weeks. It's bitter and dimunitive style helps to cause laughter in those who are feeling evil towards everything. Which is to say, it doesn't go over very well with happy people. But thanks for the praise, anyway. I hope to continue the Times tradition for the forseeable future.
from rikoomajo :
There are hot haole guys here. Good thing I don't like haole guys.
from awkwardpause :
Nah, I can't throw things and/or hiss at you for locking your diary. I've done it more than once myself. I always unlocked it due to popular demand though. But the greatness of an open diary is that it defies anyone who reads it. It says "You don't like what I have to say? Don't read." It's funny, though, how oxymoronic open diaries are. But yes, send me a password or whatever you do.
from awkwardpause :
(cough cough) passwords... why? (cough hack dying)
from keeds :
reads like coffee. which is why i don't drink coffee..
from awkwardpause :
(Secretly using grandma's computer like a stealthy ninja) Just so you know, you are The Cheese. You should make an announcement about this on your diary, since it's no small thing. Also, happy belated birthday! As a present I'd have given you the honor of marrying me (hahaha "honor", yeah right.) but since I already offered someone else that, you'll have to make do with just these words of birthday happiness. Or something. Hope it was good. I love the Spaghetti Factory. I also think I spelled "spaghetti" wrong.
from awkwardpause :
The next time I am on Oahu I shall listen to cheesy '80s music and think of you. If you wish to meet me, look for a trenchcoat wearing guy doing moves that make him look like he has a squirrel in his pants. That'd be me. Dancing.
from awkwardpause :
We can be bitter and mean together! Gr. I hate puppies. Or something. You read all my entries and didn't think they were horrible? You must have some sort of disease. Haha. No, but thanks for that. I feel like the cheese for real now. Especially since you went back and read all of mine. *does the happy dance*
from awkwardpause :
True, events that make the decisions for you are quite fun, like accidentally telling Michelle precisely how to get me to say yes. This was dumb on my part. But I think she changed her mind anyway. Yay. Or something.
from keryanna :
Personally, I think that there are patterns in life. Our actions reflect our needs. That is, whether our needs are being met or not. We put ourselves in situations - and continue to do so - because we get something out of it. They reinforce our behavior. If you seek out relationships that are impossible, maybe it's because you are afraid of what a real relationship may bring. Maybe you are afraid that the person will eventually -and inevitably - leave you. At least, with an impossible relationship, you can rationalize it away by saying it isn't your fault that it ended ... because the situation itself wasn't conducive to a relationship. But, if you are in a healthy relationship and it ends, then maybe that kind of rejection would hurt too much. Maybe love - real, open, healthy love ... seems too risky for your heart. If that is the case, I completely understand. I don't know .. that's just my take on it.

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