messages to jessamine79:
(click here to add new message):

from laukat :
note deleting cuntface! :P and you took me off your d-land flist!
from peanut303 :
do u lix american idol?
from peanut303 :
do u lix american idol?
from nibbleofcorn :
Boyfriend is coming to town during finals??!? Oh shit. If I were you I'd be worrying about myself, not him. I personally wouldn't be able to keep my retarded mind off sex for long enough to think about my studies.
from poetlucia :
Love your diary, great thoughts
from optimystic6 :
Why is the year "down the tubes"? Are you saying you feel like it was wasted? How come?
from revisions :
hey i read your note to janitor-x, and i think you should do it...go to africa. i just got back from sudan and i highly recommend it.
from jessamine79 :
Oh lookit that... all the notes are gone. So you'd better like... leave more. Yeah. Or just go make comments. Whatever floats your boat.

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