messages to jibrille:
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from zerom3ph :
oh- and i'm still on the 'cid hunt... just from a slightly less ditzy contact now.
from zerom3ph :
being two-faced seems to be a necessary evil these days. honesty can be just as harmful as the lie to cover it up. the only saving graces, i suppose, are good judgement and understanding- two things that have always been in short supply.
from lovedies2 :
:So um...Arnold is governer. I'm just so proud in the direction that U.S. politics is heading. Next thing you know Courtney Love will be a Senator." DUDE I actually laughed out loud! Seriously what the hellis Arnold gonna do for Cali? lmfaooo
from lovedies2 :
Damn April you sure know how to make purty layouts and stuffs. I like this one!
from lovedies2 :
My throat hurts. I think I might have to remove my tonsils forever with my own...HANDS!!!!! BWAHAHAHAHAHA yeah I'm sick!
from puccapeach :
Jeepers Creepers one was so stupid, you wouldn't believe how many people didn't like that movie. So you didn't miss out on anything!
from puccapeach :
aww you want addictions? Try pogo with "word womp". i was so into text twist but I find word womp a little better with the whole hitting the gopher thing and spelling words! I love word games they are so much fun!
from zerom3ph :
no pills left, but... i am tracking down a lead on some cheap 'cid.
from puccapeach :
I really did have something to say to you, but I just drew a blank. Urgh!!! What was I going to say. Hmmmm ahh forget it. Have happy day!
from puccapeach :
my boy friend was affected by the brown out too. Urgh... I know what it feels like, but only when it happens in the winter!
from zerom3ph :
thanks for keeping me up to speed, and for the heppy birthday. (even though it turned out a very god awful birthday in the end- more on that later)
from puccapeach :
could you be as evil as me? I wish I would of could raised some fist. But it took all of me to hold everything back. Anger what a beautiful thing!
from puccapeach :
hey I'm liking the new lay out!!
from puccapeach :
hey you can leave me an email at [email protected] so I can read your diary when its locked or if you don't want me to just let let me know with a note, I completely understand :)
from puccapeach :
hey I want to read your diary, but I can't. That makes me a sad panda.
from zerom3ph :
like the new back layout.
from puccapeach :
Hey I just stumble upon your diary. I just wanted to tell you that I love the way you write. You have got me where I had to read your oldest entry to the newest one. You got style and I like that. Like it matters what I like. I wish you wouldn�t delete entries because I feel like I missed out on something, but that is what happens when you find a diary to late. Better late than never. Things that break you just make you stronger, I�m living proof! It will get worse before it gets better but that is how life is.
from zerom3ph :
know just how you feel; come june my folks are moving to australia without me. meanwhile i'm kinda just scrambling to find someplace affordable to live.
from kabukicharms :
I was wondering where you had gotten to angel
from justadd-rain :
Girl, I like your writing. I feel like I can relate a whole lot in some of the things you said... Like with the all the bad things in a relationship in four months... I just got out of that myself... That's why I got a whole new diary, this one, because of a guy. He ended the last saga of my life, thus I felt I had to close my last diary. Yha...
from realityfades :
I've just started reading your diary, I liked the banner :D, #1 crush is a good song, garbage is a great band, and yes alcohol does make the world a better place lol *take care*
from realityfades :
I've just started reading your diary, I liked the banner :D, #1 crush is a good song, garbage is a great band, and yes alcohol does make the world a better place lol *take care*
from kabukicharms :
O wow you like ole baby blue eyes and Lady Ella
from kabukicharms :
Mmm well its just that most of his books seem as if there written to go strait to the screen, his style is...well to me it seems he's writing a screenplay instead of a novel...
from kabukicharms :
I just noticed you had "The Stand" in your profile thats the only book of his i can stand (no pun intended) I even sat threw the whole mini-series
from kabukicharms :
...When i clicked the entrance to the rabbit hole i was expecting something a little more...bunny oriented? cause i love bunnies and all...But you know? I wasnt disapointed
from sweetnsour03 :
hey- i havent visited diaryland in a long time and i decided to become somehow i sort of feel like you (i clicked a banner that said fall ointo my rabit hole and ur entry came up and it sort of reminds me of me and my sister peu together. any ways i like ur writing.)ttyl.

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