messages to justchris:
(click here to add new message):

from adept :
interesting story, but it needs flavor, it's good work but it lacks the description basis, and entire world needs a little more...reality to it. We're left to think the whole thing up ourselves. Freedom needs some basic discription, as does the nature of Ethan and Liss. Nevertheless, It's good. With some vivid nature to these entities, it could be excellent. I suggest you post it to and see what they think of it.
from karika :
hey u dont no me but i just found ur diary and i thought id leave u a note saying hi....feel free to look at my diary since i looked at yours...hope u write back, peace
from xthysxwhorex :
my name is payge im new and i need frenz so if yer ever online im me xkyssxthysxfystx and/or xidi0txri0tx
from ajem16 :
from corie7 :
you're lovely
from quickening :
Welcome back hon :) I can�t wait to hear all your tales of Origins
from jenne1017 :
Happy Random Guestbook Signing Week!! Pass it on!
from held :
okey dokey
from justchris :
I just wanted to say hi. I know, it's sad, but it works.
from ataintedlove :
I just wanted to tell you I enjoyed your diary! I like the way you write.
from rudelilgirl :
first to sign yours, too! and i cannot think of any single thing (material, of course) that i would desire above all else. thats a lot of pressure for one little game or cd! as for the non-material thing i'd wish for-the disappearance of all want, of course!

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