messages to lilvixen:
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from mentalscars :
Nice to see someone pays attention. Good to hear from you. I am definitely going to spend some time delving into your mind, too. >:� Take it easy...
from pugilist :
miss- your guestbook does not appear to be in working order. so i left you a note instead. i figured this would suffice.
from rabbitblue :
Coldplay - The Scientist
from rpcrazy18 : are awesome aren't they? Brings me back to my Domino's Pizza days...
from rabbitblue :
*tears* ah... just kidding. :)
from rabbitblue :
Your ugly mother. HA HA HA
from pugilist :
guess who's back in town?
from rabbitblue :
*yawn* Same old, same old.
from rpcrazy18 :
...your such a poet ~'~ ... As for being an idiot & sounding smart about it...I feel ya on that. Flarey's right though, can't do much except change. There's no where else to go...
from lunarflare :
Learn from your mistakes, and keep going. Calling ones self an idiot is one thing, doing something about it is another. Remeber, you're only an idiot if you chose to do nothing about it. Good luck.
from rabbitblue :
Very well written. In fact, your words flow in an eerie synch with the song I'm listening to (Eminem - Rock Bottom). "So I'll keep it inside, because I can't stand the silence that follows when I pour my heart out to you." Walk away from it. "So in an attempt to appease, I listen to what you have to say." As per the status quo. Go on. "I accomodate you by holding myself back." You're an idiot. "Because if you're happy, then so am I!" You're lying to yourself. "By focusing on you, I ignore me." Again, you're an idiot. "I'm such a coward in that sense, for running away from myself." You are so correct. Smart girl, Nicole. Now it's time to lift your heavy heart, mind and soul. Learn to crawl. Again. (you've forgotten how) Learn to walk. Again. (again, you've forgotten how) Learn to Run. Again, but faster this time. (you're running for your life) Hopefully this time you'll learn to fly, and you can leave your cess pit. (if you don't, you're back at ground zero again) Goddess speed to you.
from rabbitblue :
Why? I don't understand. Freak.
from rpcrazy18 :
are my lips *sexy* I don't know about fascination but, the lips & jaw are the things i look at first...well, aside from the instinctive man-jerks that pull my head down
from rpcrazy18 :
Dude, your notes link has gone to hell...I don't know how it got like that but, here's the <a href> you want ( I figure you know all the diaryland, html lingo, so fix it damnit!...
from rabbitblue :
from rpcrazy18 :

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