messages to lulutrix:
(click here to add new message):

from fairlywell :
You're right on with your note. I'm slow, I know. But, guess what? I have a date tonight. Once I get in gear, I don't waste any time. :)
from persephonee :
so.. does that mean you didn't read mine either? ;) i am assuming i did okay, or you would let me know. also i got your letter today! eee!!! this is going to be good. we're so post-cyber.
from fairlywell :
You and I had the same day, except for the magazines and hair dye. I blame the weather and my two tests, but I've been desperately looking for something to pull me out of the funk. I see lots of coffee in my future tomorrow!
from janest :
I don't even know what to say about this entry. I think when I am done thinking about it, I still won't know what to say. What I did want to say (even after that 800 page email) was that I finally saw the Mel Gibson/Diane Sawyer interview and I have 12 trillion things to say about that, the least of which is, "Did you see her give him the finger at one point?" PS Austin. Oh! I laughed and laughed.
from fairlywell :
I know what you mean. Wish I didn't, but been-there-done-that. Hey, you have lots of other people to love, though.
from persephonee :
a baby? nah. a baby would be someone who stayed at the old job for fear of feeling this way (read: me.) it might, however, mean, that you'd be better suited to running your own business someday. have the people work for YOU. there's nothing wrong with being an alpha female on the inside.
from fairlywell :
Aww, it's ok to need some time to get used to it. It sounds like some pretty big changes.
from sophiafc :
about this morning's entry... right on.
from persephonee :
that's WITH a 9-inch headstart? how tall is this man?? lulu darling, that's not a belly, that's a lovely feminine curve. now bob, though... hee hee. i am so glad it went well.
from janest :
You know, sometimes I forget that you aren't the girl at the top of your diary. And then you post a picture and I remember how much more I like the real you.
from janest :
See, and it didn't even occur to me that he was looking at himself. I don't know if that is a non-driver thing or proof that I related way too closely to ol' Travis in this one. Scary.
from fairlywell :
So, I thought I left a note in your guestbook last week, but it was the same day I tried to leave a note for Briddy and that didn't work either. Gist: I'm so happy for you!
from persephonee :
yay yay yay yay yay yay yay yay yay
from impeter :
What? You're going to dye your hair again? I was starting to like your original colour!
from persephonee :
hee! that's robin, actually, kermit's nephew? or something, but it's the same idea. :D
from sophiafc :
Congratulations! Let me know how the first day goes :)!
from rubytrax :
Woo woo woo!!! Congratulations!!!
from emmalola :
Hooray for the new job! You ARE a superhero! very very good. -lola
from sophiafc :
thanks :).
from persephonee :
hope you feel better, and that you can figure this insanity out.
from persephonee :
what is ON the best comp cd in the world?
from janest :
It's about time.
from persephonee :
but, wait! how was the interview?
from sophiafc :
hope you feel better too :)!
from persephonee :
oh no. i'm so sorry.
from persephonee :
hee hee! well, that IS the important part, right? (ow! emma hit me!) the only one i remember is viggo.
from persephonee :
(ahem) i believe you left a few out, there.
from persephonee :
yes, and may i compliment you on your taste?
from persephonee :
he'll be okay! i just need to shoot one or two people and then we'll be all set.
from janest :
Hahaha! It's always funny. At one time, I wanted to open a halfway house for wayward celebrities (after that guy from Suddenly Susan killed himself) where I would be offering what you do. It was called J+D's Halfway House For Wayward Celebrities. Catchy, eh? You could call them your Soupies. You know, like groupies, only for soup. Oh man. I need a nap.
from janest :
You know it's because he really feels like "Bleh" and thinks he doesn't have to be fake with you but does with her, probably, right? Me, I like fake. It shows effort. "Spare me the crappy real you," I say.
from persephonee :
ooh, it's a crush necklace! you can wear it on crush days. i'm jealous. not of the crush situation, but because fred flare never sends me ANYTHING.
from persephonee :
ohmigosh, you must be wondering if you wrote that job description yourself, when you were sleepwalking or something. how perfect is that?? maybe you can include it with your resume from now on?
from persephonee :
no no, i'm just thinking this movie must be even better than they're saying...
from persephonee :
well, everything but the LIT part. THAT's what made you do it??
from monsignor :
I hope you're feeling better. Sickness sucks. What C needs is a man who will take charge and lead her along the correct path. I am that man, and if it will help your friendship with her at all I would be happy to show her what it's like to belong to an Alpha Male. I would do that for you. Your happiness is that important to me :)
from janest :
You can have him. Unlike someone I know and someone else I know, that punk hasn't written a darn thing for me. That's my new deciding factor. It's a high bar to clear.
from persephonee :
i've had the blood red nails song in my head ALL DAY thanks to ugly d. but i'm not telling. ;)
from persephonee :
hahaha!!! let's see: are you... older than eight? then no. oh good, yes, exactly like shayna.
from janest :
I know I owe you an interview, but all I can think of as a question is "Why are you so awesome?" I'm thinking about it lots and I just wanted you to know I didn't forget.
from persephonee :
hey, that's just my way of saying thanks. ;)
from persephonee :
ha! I was going to say three and then I second guessed myself. i should always trust my first instinct. or uh, do a quick google search. :)
from janest :
Ooh, that'd be hot. Then I can send him into the office as a present, and he and all the others can whine about how picked on they are. For sucking!
from janest :
"Editors only exist to hurt writers' feelings." Dude, how bad do I wish I worked in-house so I could make a giant banner of this and post it over my desk where all my writers could see it? Maybe I'll do it anyway.
from greschya :
from janest :
They are pretty lame live, if it's any consolation.
from persephonee :
no, there's no rush, since i doubt anything can be done about the coming semester. it's a first draft, written while i am still a little worked up, so feedback would be great. also, you might want to switch to "you're the inspiration," since that is at least a good song. :p
from janest :
Hey, thanks for sharing. Now I'm stuck with it. And don't forget Amy Grant's contribution.
from persephonee :
no, see, if you want to get rid of me you're going to have to use much bigger guns than that.
from persephonee :
Or I have another idea. Could you be less fun to talk to? No, probably not.
from persephonee :
(a) i hope not. i hope you will shoot me first. (b) i had to read this again, it was so sweet. good lord, people should be telling their children stories about you two.
from monsignor :
I am so damn boring. Disorder | Rating Paranoid: Low Schizoid: Low Schizotypal: Moderate Antisocial: Low Borderline: Low Histrionic: Moderate Narcissistic: Low Avoidant: Low Dependent: Low Obsessive-Compulsive: Low
from persephonee :
congratulations, darlin'. you deserve what you've got, because you know its worth.
from janest :
:D Beautiful.
from persephonee :
yes, please. dinner is at 7:30. bring roger.
from persephonee :
oh fruit! you're a genius. although first i was staring at that and thinking fruit?? how are peaches going to help me? but then i remembered melon, and oh that's perfect. i will go look for one on the way home. also i wonder if maybe the bob phenomenon has anything to do with the lack of roger phenomenon? also i am having a really hard time refraining from downloading aim to my computer at work, because oh man what a BAD idea that would be. you've created a monster, you know.
from persephonee :
ha! that's actually perfect for this story.
from janest :
That's the whole thing, really, how believable it is. I don't feel bad for Metallica -- their actions are what make this so plausible. I feel bad for me, for having all that extra work. Ha!
from janest :
Hoax, baby, hoax. Now if even you were fooled, I have to stop saying all those bad things about the 1800+ people who fell for it and wrote to me.
from persephonee :
maybe this is obvious, but "on a pedestal" means blind, irrational, doting love, right? which would mean his opinion about you can't be taken seriously - nor his sticking up for you either. also, there is obviously some jealousy on her part, i'm sure she would love to be on a pedestal. and so maybe deep down he wonders if he is guilty of playing favorites instead of fair. why he had to justify himself to YOU, i have no idea, but maybe he was practicing?
from janest :
Guestbook yelled at me that I was posting too soon. Buggers. Yeah. So I didn't get it either except maybe as a way to say, "Don't stay here on my account." Or maybe "Emma, don't be a hero"? You know, because when people do put you on pedastals, that makes it so hard to do good normal things for yourself because you feel somehow responsible or beholden or whatever. So maybe he was just underlining the fact that y'all are all normal equal individuals who need to be worrying about your own things? Else if he DOES have you on a pedastal and was doing reverse psychology. Hmm. Haha. Yeah, or maybe he just makes no sense. People do that, as we know. Wow, how illuminating was I?!
from emmalola :
very exciting. wise words from the mum. it's time, lulu. i hope you get that job. then you can use your vacation time to cruise around the world visiting digsfriends! (yay!)
from greschya :
your package was all wrapped, styrofoam peanuts, etc, and I remembered I'd forgotten the piece de resistance . . it will be on top. I will mail tomorrow, if all goes well. :) YAY!
from uglydetails :
Revisited! Thank you for telling me. I love that.
from persephonee :
oh good, that sounds much easier than moving to england. who knew i was such a sucker for poetry embedded in the sidewalk?
from persephonee :
also also, YES!! you don't know how close i came to emailing you all "heeeeeelp!" maybe someday we'll be living close enough to make it happen? i don't see you ever moving out here, so i guess it's up to me...
from persephonee :
and also, i would LOVE some books! :)
from persephonee :
oh, see, i just figured he didn't know what the word means.
from janest :
Hahaha! She doesn't sound at all like you; she sounds like me. Sparkly Janest.
from janest :
I told the joke on my page. But I might have told it wrong.
from janest :
A.) Your party, my reunion -- same DJ, different coasts? Thankful for small miracles. B.) That drummer you write of has irritated me to the point of homicidal urges. C.) I wish I could hear you sing. Jealous.
from monsignor :
I find it terribly amusing that Admiral Gibson once served on the "Bowie".
from persephonee :
oh, but you're going to take them all back again when i say "that's the only bowie song i *really* like." or does that just make me MORE of a cranky jerk? i don't envy the position you're in, ma'am. ;)
from persephonee :
ok, now he's no. 6. but i still don't.
from persephonee :
bob no. 5: actually, i don't think i do.
from janest :
I am too fast. Thank you for the note!
from rubytrax :
Oh Lulu, you gave "Alex Chilton" and I didn't even realize it! I must have picked up your psychic DiaryLand vibrations. Bless you.
from schmance :
Aw, thanks for the compliment. I miss reading ya, by the way.
from janest :
Hahaha. It's just passed, actually. I think it is more situational than chemical.
from emmalola :
you're having a rough time, huh? Can I reassure you by saying that it takes YEARS of practice before any musician really feels competent? By staying on track and working bit by bit you will slowly get better. The best part is one day (who knows when) you will hear yourself play something and think "damn! Where did THAT come from?" I promise this will happen, just stick with it!
from fairlywell :
I saw a tee shirt today that made me think of you- although I don't know really why. It was green, with a large, stylized drawing of (I'm assuming) a rock star (or perhaps Jesus?) on the front.
from persephonee :
arghh! isn't letting me sign again. so I wanted to say, eeeheehee! I just saw YOUR note. thanks for making me snort imaginary soda out my nose.
from obb :
"that I've realized I'm all too good at holding grudges " I am impressed. That is hard hard hard to say to someone. You get ten bonus punk rock points, not available in stores.

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