messages to magickmaven:
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from xslayne :
Thanks... I needed that. And I love Serendipity too!! John Cusack rules!! ♥
from xslayne :
Well you know, it varies but honetly I have nothing to complain about... I think I'm happy... WTF? lol ♥layne
from magickmaven :
Yeah, I screwed up the notes section, so sue me. Last note to xslayne :D <3 to all.
from magickmaven :
Hey! Good to see you're back! Things are moderately on the up and up. I'm quite enjoying being free and clear at the moment, and life is relatively good. How are things with you?
from xslayne :
I'm baaack... It took awhile, but I'm back. Miss me? How's it going? And why was everyone else's Halloween better than mine?! ♥layne
from tinydreams :
thank you for the note and the lovely things said. thank you for the well wishes. i'm glad you enjoy.
from faerie19 :
cheers to you and the boy for working things out. i think the two of you are damn fine for each other :) miss you and much love, annie
from slayne :
neato :)
from slayne :
seattle is the perfect city to go to with a stranger. call me if you feel intrigued. nothing is better than a vacation with a girl you don't know. ♥
from slayne :
I wish my name was Bonnie. *sigh*. btw, user: no pass: more. have you ever been to seattle?
from eol :
i would literally kill for those tickets... but, i've got no ride. it sucks being 18 and having no car... anyway, namaste -beck-
from slayne :
Just your regular paranoia. user: nothing pass: sacred. But I'm not too paranoid ;) You're sweet.
from slayne :
things have been better, but then, haven't they always? it'll blow over in the morning. it always does. xlovex - are you fine?
from magickmaven :
True. I do not agree with some things that he's done or said (okay, a lot, which is also why I did the March for Women's Lives), but as far as other things go... My main issue is with those people who, though rightfully upset with some of his more radical or ridiculous statements see no problem with making up their own... It's one thing to have an honest disagreement with something or someone and to have actual facts to state or back up your case, but... You get my point...
from eol :
he may not be the worst president in history, but he did publicly say that he didn't believe wicca to be a real religion and he thinks that homosexuality is a sin and has supported legislature to remove reproductive decisions from women and overturn roe v. wade. worst president in history? no. dangerous? yes. namaste -Ky-
from eol :
happy beltaine! namaste -beck-
from slayne :
Thanks ♥
from slayne :
Finally, there's some words that make me feel like someone acknowledges me. You're so beautiful. Do you see that? x♥x
from heart-drawn :
Snow is always bad after Christmas. I mean, snow is obviously bad... it's wet... and it clings to your clothes. And it's almost spring!! Just to alert your attention that I am not a snow lover not that you particularly care, but.. bye.
from andreaomni :
*hugs back* Wish you were here. I need to stir up some trouble.
from faerie19 :
hey hon:) thanks for the note. ill be in dayton sat. morning really early, and will be in dennys sat. night for sure:) and zach(the nice pagan boy) is coming too, although he doesnt know it yet,lol. anyway,ill see you then and i cnat wait to see you.
from faerie19 :
so,i think i know who the person is that responsed to my entry in the 10th level page, but who was the first person who responded?and have i met either of these people before? anyway,ill be home(in dayton) soon,so i cant wait to see you:):) lots of love until we meet again~~
from peabrain99 :
i just think that it's a pity that I don't see you much any more....we'll have to get together soon and bitch about something....and, I'll try my hand at spades. Info would be appreciated.
from jazztronaut :
hey i was asleep the first time you IMed me and i was in class the second time. sorry i missed you. thanks for leaving a message, it really did make me smile. you are wonderful.
from jazztronaut :
hey. dont be confused about anything on my account. my current weirdness is completely unrelated. i value you and would not shut down communications based on me getting weird. if it had to do with you i would let you know. maybe im being egotistical thinking that i had something to do with your confusion. whatever it is smile, because you are wonderful.

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