messages to mayfire7:
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from goldylockz22 :
haha! Every woman could be a vice president...Men are so rediculous...I'm going les, I swear...
from goldylockz22 :
I dunno if it's better. I mean, it's hard for me since I've been here at dland since 2001, but it's just not like it used to be. No one updates, half the time the site doesn't have to pay for don't have to pay. Plus I've had an account for less than 3 days and I've got over 20 friends, three of which I don't even you can still blog...I dunno...I think I'm going to keep both for awhile...atleast link my diary from the myspace to get some more traffic here...let me know if you join, we can be friends!
from goldylockz22 :
from girlreview :
Hey. It's Dani from girl review. You made it on to our all-stars 95+ page because your diary scored a 95 or above. That also makes you avaliable for an invitation to become a reviewer. Let me know as soon as possible if you're interested. Thanks!
from kayrayne29 :
Honey. Step outside the relationship and look at it from the outside point of view. The way I see it hun, you're being taken for a ride. If its your car, you drive him places and keep the car for yourself. Public transport. You aint married yet, bills split in half ALL THE WAY. Always make time for your girls. When this guy goes (if he goes) your girls will be there, but only if you keep time for them. I don't want to sound like I'm telling you what to do, but girl, you gotta see it from the outside. I've been reading your diary since you met this guy. You don't sound happy, and If you don't feel happy, its time to re-evaluate.. Im here if you need to chat....
from kayrayne29 :
I meant Christy, not Chrissy.. :( sorry..
from kayrayne29 :
Chrissy!!! Are you pregnant or not??? I'm dying here waiting to find out!!!
from kayrayne29 :
I love reading your diary Christy.. Its very interesting, and a lot more interesting than a lof of others I have read..
from goldylockz22 :
from goldylockz22 :
I like the way you think. My friend Sal, who just happens to be Tyler's best friend and the other girls cousin said the EXACT same thing...I guess I can believe it too, since I know their relationship was complete crap. But it's not my place to actually confront Tyler and tell him, "You never loved her." I guess, if it's true, he's just got to figure that out on his own...I just hope he does it soon...
from dragonblade0 :
watch me drop a note. watch it fall just like a canadian's breath around this time of year. (i love being canadian. i mean, what could be better. you don't only see your breath, your hear the 'thud' it makes as it freezes and hits the ground) :D cool diary.
from goldylockz22 :
Thanks for the note! I'm so happy this has all happened. Hopefully I won't screw it up this time...take care!
from squirrelx :
Thank you for takin' the time to leave me a guestbook message. Your kindness is sincerely appreciated --- and in answer to your quesiton --- I have a crapload of 'flippin' banner views'. Respectfully, Xtine / Squirrel X
from ppatrol :
Hey, sorry to be annoying, but I haven't seen you at ppatrol lately, and was wondering if you were still interested in reviewing? Either way, please send me an email. [email protected]. Thanks!
from goldylockz22 :
hey there. Just wanted to stop by and say happy early birthday...I read your 100 facts page...and to my surprise I actually read all 100 things...haha...most of the time I just get bored half way through cause people are lame...good job...we have alot in common...(I have my wedding dress and ring picked out too)...hehe...take care...
from taydo :
Oh, you do not! Don't be silly! But it's an awfully flattering sentiment!
from gothic-punk6 :
i like your taste in music! -morgan le fae
from loser-kid :
it's from the smash hit movie, Gattaca, dude.
from busy-milkman :
I should clarify my point as well. Just do it when you feel it's time, not based on anyone else's time schedule.
from busy-milkman :
Why do you think that losing your virginity is the same as losing your morals? Here are my thoughts on the subject:
from mayfire7 :
hmmm I've never tried these note things...

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