messages to mnemosynea:
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from tarka :
Do you ever post anymore? I used to read your diary back in the day 15 or so years ago. I just remembered about this place.
from pettyquarrel :
Why is your diary locked away?
from coexistapart :
Most people find this repugnant, but my favourite "smoothie is chocolate soy milk with banana and peanut butter. It's in the 450 cal range so it's not so much a smoothie as a liquid meal that carries you for 5-6 hours, but I LOVE love the combination. Also: have you been following this Shepard Fairey vs. AP situation re: the Obama "Hope" poster at all? On the one hand I think the photographer absolutely needs to be compensated plus punitive damages, but then on the other hand I heard Fairey NPR's "Fresh Air" in January, before the court case, and it seems as though he does subversive art, so I'm not even sure that anyone (including the Obama campaign?) paid him for image. I mean thousands of companies were selling merchandise in that likeness, so how does the artist pay punitive damages? At the same time he was stupid to think just taking something off Google image is "ok," but has that specifically come up in court before?

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