messages to no16one:
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from integrating :
Hi. Just found your diary. Guess you have insomnia too? I took a look at how long you've been writing and you're like me. Skipping years then coming back. Well, I'll be reading.
from haidaboy :
Are you serious? Of course I remember Alyson...I just didn't remember that she was irrationally attractive, haha. Well, tell her I said hi, haven't talked to her few months after the first time you stopped talking to me I think. Well, catcha later!
from haidaboy :
Yeah, thanks:D Cute pics^.^ by the way, who's that pretty blondish girl in that one picture with you? Well, catcha later!
from haidaboy :
Of course I wanna see the pictures:P hehe. Grr...I gotta go to port Townsend tomorrow for marching band...bleh... Well, catcha later.
from haidaboy :
Hey, I guess I understand. I'm not mad or anything, I seem to have an uncanny ability to get on girls' nerves. Congratulations on being married!! Me, hah, I'm still alone. Probably not gonna find a girl who'd marry me for a LONG time. And hey, I was reading your diary, and you said you feel like there aren't many people that care about you; I care about you! I suppose I don't count much 'cause we never really talk, but...yeah, whatever that counts for. I don't really get on here much, I only got on 'cause my e-mail thingie said you sent me the note. Oh, and you sent it twice:P hehe, later
from haidaboy :
Heya! I know we got back on good terms again, but you haven't sent me an e-mail or anything in forever....not counting that forward thing for an address book adding thing or whatever it was. Unless that was just tailored spam or whatever the hell those people do. So yeah, you should get ahold of me sometime. I still have my msn e-mail address, and my cell's 1 360 808 4656. Miss talking to you. Oh yeah, and you haven't told me how the wedding stuff's going! I hope I didn't miss it. Well, catcha later(I'll e-mail you too, dunno if you ever get on this anymore)
from haidaboy :, I know you don't wanna talk to me...but I decided to start up one of these, and it won't let me let people leave notes for some reason. Not really a big deal, it was just sorta annoying if you're really bored or something sometime, could you send an e-mail or something? I don't know if you'll be able to help, but hey, it's worth a shot..

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