messages to nwgirlchild:
(click here to add new message):

from ottodixless :
Hi, how are you doing? I'm back on Diaryland again. And possibly so are you. I hope you're ok. Sorry I drifted out of contact.
from passngstranj :
*hugs*, sweetness. I'm sorry to hear about your mom. And I hope that she will be okay. And I hope that you realize that the important thing is that you love her. Feeling bad is something that just comes naturally, to some of us -- doesn't mean anything is really our fault!
from thruthecrowd :
I just wanted to say that I read your entry, and my heart goes out to you and your mom.
from the29th :
hey lady, send me an email with your address and i'll get them in the mail! glad to hear from you, by the way.
from erases :
in red, blue, green.
from erases :
i remember you,
from the29th :
hiya, hon! how funny... i was just thinking about you this morning and find i have a note from you! happy month to us!
from old-story :
baby, there's always an open bar.
from old-story :
that is probably one of the most heart wrenching things in the world. like all your organs fall out at one. seeing an ex is awful.
from the29th :
pitselah.... yeah. one of my top ten. for ages and ages the title that came up on my page was "they say that god makes problems just to see what you can stand before you do as the devil pleases" maybe i'll go back to that when i change my layout (sometime soon)
from ottodixless :
Hi again, itchy feet. Of course you can continue to stalk me, and vice versa.
from the29th :
the only thing that surprises me is how upset i am. he suggested it, not me. and after he said it, i told him, "you'd better call." because it meant we didn't say goodbye last night and ... blah. goddammit but don't it suck. i know he'll have an excuse and i know it'll be a very good, very valid one. but it still f'ing hurts.
from the29th :
thanks, hon.
from heidiann :
Hi sweetie! Welcome to the Kinky Sex ring!! xox
from gumphood :
How is this a test?
from fearz :
thanks for letting me know. I didnt know that someone else had done that as well.
from invisibledon :
thanks for playing the neighborhood - I would ask for the pics but that would be crass

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