messages to p-ennylane:
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from nali-stalker :
I'm glad to see you having a more positive view on things now :D. Hope everything goes well for you in the future.
from mirrors-lie :
Hey, been trying to get in contact with you for a while now and this was the only other way I could think of! Let me know how you're going, okay? - Erica
from lovetiludie :
you've been quoted ♥
from for-you-only :
Wow. I'm afraid about growing up. I have always been a wining, spoilded, princess who can't do anything for herself. And now it's like - holly shit, cooking? cleaning? WHAT? The whole not liking body - I'm beginning to see that as a trend with EVERYONE. Even the beautiful models and sings are self-consious of their bodies. So, isn't life a bitch? I like your layout. Hope to hear from you. ttfn! -Pink
from amber-darko :
yeah I am still looking. email me.
from tea-for-one :
Hey I quoted you, hope you dont mind, later B.
from amber-darko :
Hi! My name's Amber and I'm 23. I am writing a book about my personal account of self hate and self harm. I'd like to include some personal stories from different stages in healing, different sexes and different ages to show that no one is the same, but we all are hurting in ways that we are unable to convey. I do not intend on printing names, there is no length restriction and I will not censor. I have decided to also include poetry or just general opinions. Please email me if you are interested. [email protected]
from emptyempty :
Hey sweetheart... just checking by cause you havent updated in a while.. you okay? =)
from officegal :
i can sympathize or is it empathize? gosh my brain is melting! i can ______(fill in the blank w/the correct of the former) with you on the hecticness. work is coming to a boil and my apartment is a wreck. got clorox??
from heaven911 :
your dad sounds liek an ass. i feel like i dont live my life sometimes... i know i do.. ive just become imune to it all.. its like a massive repetative cycle *Tara
from officegal :
holey trash. go kick him in shins. what a jerk. im sure your gorgeous!
from dimstar :
You are so much better than that. You deserve to get angry. Be upset. I am here for you. You are so beautiful and strong. I cannot believe what some people have put you through. (((hugs))) I love you. I empathize with you. xoxo Gwen
from officegal :
ofcourse. im honoured. seriously have a beautifull day:)
from officegal :
i just read" running from a shadow" in your archives. i found your diary from gwen or 'dimstar'. your a great writer. can i put you on my favourites?
from dimstar :
Argh! I remember when we had our roof reshingled, and I hated it. Thank you for your sweet note. I would have responded sooner. You are one of my favorite people on diaryland. I hope that therapy helps you. We have so much in common. Take care sweetheart. xoxo Gwen
from dimstar :
It is going to be scary, it is going to be hard, but I know that you can do it. Don't give up on yourself, and remember that a slip up is just that; a slip up. I have faith in you. You are strong. I am always here for you. xoxo Gwen
from dimstar :
I think you would like my therapist. She evaluates parents and then makes a decision about them. She doesn't care for my mom too much, but then again, I haven't found a therapist who does. Happy pills... lovely little things. I never take mine when I am op. And I don't think you are a rambler. I love reading up on you! Take care sweetie. xoxo Gwen
from mirrors-lie :
I cannot thank you enough for your kind words in that entry. No one has ever done anything like that for me... no one has said anything remotely similar to what you wrote. I am blown away. You are such a special person and I am so thankful we "met". I wish I could think of the words, but I think you do realise how that touched me. I am not lying when I say that is the sweetest and most caring thing anyone has ever done for me. The tears cannot fall fast enough. I'm sorry I have been distant. Please understand that it's my fault. "e" ;-)
from dimstar :
Muah. I hope that you feel better soon sweetie. I am here if you want to talk.
from emptyempty :
*excited* oooo thanks for posting the Mutts link - I love that comic SO much but I never knew of that site! :D *mwah* <3 ... and take care, sweetie =)
from dimstar :
I know how you feel. The past few days have been a blur for me too. Everything just seems too hard right now... I am here for you. xoxo Gwen
from emptyempty :
Hey - I just wanted to say thanks for the wonderful note you left me... Oh, and I added you to my list *smiles* xxx
from mirrors-lie :
Mwahaha it's ME! Babe, I can't even comment on your note right now coz it'll just make me cry again (but in a good way of course) but I just have to say... It's good to have things that make life bearable, and I hope I'm one of them. It's hard to stay optimistic, but hopefully you feel you can talk to me about things that are bugging you, so you can at least feel some kind of peace. You talk about my problems, but you're the one we should be worried about. There is so much pain... and denial. Don't ever think you don't matter, or I'll come and kick your ass! Side note: you watch The Batchelor? Am I going to have to disown you? :-D Hugs.
from dimstar :
I understand where you are coming from so much, and I wish that I was there to give you a hug. It is just a number. It holds nothing. It is not who you are. I also wonder what life would be like if I had never developed this eating disorder. I do feel that I would be much smarter, as my brain isn't as quick as it used to be. I feel like I would have more friends. Try and remember that when you step on the scale. Remember that it isn't worth it. That with more weight lost more friends are lost more energy is lost, more of your life is lost. Gone forever. What is gone can never be retrieved. However, you can start fresh with every moment. But it is hard. I know it is so damned hard. My heart aches for you, and I wince with your pain. I am here for you if you ever need to talk. You are wonderful. Nothing can change that about you.
from comfortm :
thanks for the note and for adding me. i guess its quite apparent from my writing that i am scared and out of control..but i am working on it..thanks for the kind words...take care,xoxo
from inaptbeauty :
oh my dear, you're beautiful.. you don't have to be thin to be like that. &&we pretties stick together. yeah,, noone understands our pain. thanx for adding me <3

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