messages to punkroxxy:
(click here to add new message):

from joshb :
Hmmm... my thoughts are this - If there really is a God, and if one were to believe that He actually put you in the position you are facing, then rationally I would conclude the answer is: To see what you choose to do next - the 'easy' road you've been down before, or the better 'harder' path you've lain before yourself. I guess it's your decision to progress or regress *shrugs* BTW - What's up Molly!!! :)
from whitepills :
I apologize for the length of this note. It's gonna be kind of long. I also got that e-mail a long time back about Hannoi Jane. It made me sick. However, it's not completely true. "The Truth: This story hearkens to a real visit to North Vietnam by Jane Fonda and her husband, Tom Hayden, in July of 1972, but includes a couple of stories that are not true. The Fonda-Hayden trip became unforgettable because it infuriated Americans, especially Americans in uniform, many of whom still regard her as a traitor. She praised the North Vietnamese, posed for a photo at a Communist anti-aircraft gun emplacement, made several radio broadcasts for the Communist North Vietnamese in which she called American military leaders "war criminals," then when some of the POWs returned home and described mistreatment by the North Vietnamese, she said Americans should "...not hail the POWs as heroes, because they are hypocrites and liars." There is no dispute that her visit took place, that her words and actions were in support of the enemy, and that her conduct caused harm to the war effort and to some of the prisoners of war. This particular email includes three stories, two of which have been denied by the POWs who are named, and one of which has been confirmed as true by the source, although he was not named in the email. First, the "100 Women of the Century" was a project of the Ladies Home Journal and a TV special hosted by Barbara Walters. Jane Fonda was one of the 100. How the email story about the POWs got started is not known, but it has been widely circulated. located Jerry Driscoll who said that the accounts about him in the email are "...the product of a very vivid imagination" and he requests that people please stop passing it on to others. also contacted Mike McGrath, President of NAM-POWs, who says the Larry Carrigan events never happened either. He says Carrigan calls the story a "hoax" and does not want to be associated with it. McGrath also says that some versions of the email include an account from a Dave Hoffman and that his story is true. Hoffman says he was tortured (hung by a broken arm) until he agreed to go before Jane Fonda. He was among a small group who witnessed one of her radio broadcasts for Hanoi. The part of the email that begins with "To Whom it may concern" is true. It's a quote from an article titled SHAME ON JANE originally published on the Advocacy And Intelligence Index website on April 28, 1999 and written by Michael Benge who was a civilian captured by the North Vietnamese in 1968. In his statement, he also makes reference to a missionary nurse who died in captivity. For your interest, that was Betty Olsen, a Christian Missionary Alliance nurse from New York. In 1988 in an interview with Barbara Walters on 20/20, Jane Fonda talked about her Vietnam visit and issued what some feel was an apology but which her critics say was not enough. Fonda said, "I would like to say something, not just to Vietnam veterans in New England, but to men who were in Vietnam, who I hurt, or whose pain I caused to deepen because of the things that I said or did. I was trying to help end the killing and the war, but there were times when I was thoughtless and careless about it and I'm...very sorry that I hurt them. And I want to apologize to them and their families." " Just thought you'd want to know.
from whitepills :
Coheed effing ROCKS! I started listening to them about six months ago and was blown away. Watch out though, they're getting a lot of publicity now, so it won't be long before the 13 year old rats are into them too. Then you'll have spent all that money on merch for nothing. : (
from wovangel :
Hiya! I just read your diary,, (I'm going to have to check that site out now, you realize?) Are you a Hostee? Coz i am trying to get a host, and it's like: "no, sorry.. we arn't hosting" every time i go to the hosting page of a site. Lol.. anyway.. i'm a compleat loser.. are we even talking about the same thing?? Oh well..
from your-carbon :
loved the pictures, you goddess you. just wish i could have been there...*pout*
from shoe-gazer :
to that person a couple of notes down..."how do you think it feels to be 25 ASS?! i'm kidding...i'm not trying to start shit with your friends yeah...if you want my address maybe you should stop being your usual shy self and call me for it =P...(plus i don't want the aforementioned person to send me roadkill in the mail).. xoxo, j
from celticsinger :
&hearts: your diary! Keep up all the good work! Please visit my diary and sign my guestbook! ^_________^
from tear-fucked :
congrats on making it to 22.thats gotta make you feel old as shit..
from whitepills :
No problem, I hope people would like it as much as me. Obviously, at lease one person did.
from whitepills :
While I am the only one that has updated, I assure you I am still in fact reading.
from bleakreviews :
come be the first to be judged by me...get one of the first come on you know you want to...
from bleakreverie :
i'm not signing no damn guestbook...well i would but i'm too busy reading i'll just drop you a little note and tell you tht you are being added to my buddy`
from neangel :
i wanted to sign the guestbook but I didn't see the link . I hope this will do. nice diary & amazing artwork.
from timeittook :
please be happy. have fun. know people love you. i wish me and krystal could be there to comfort you but we aren't but we love you because you're really nice and you don't hate us and you're one of the bestest people i've ever met!
from whitepills :
I'll remember you said that. And if I'm ever in the GA/VA area (depending on what month it is), I'll stop in and say, "Wazzzzzzaaaaah!?!?" Okay, actually, I'd never say that. I'd prolly just say, "Oh, hey Molly. What's goin' on? Wanna eat ice cream?"
from timeittook :
We <3 you Molly.=)
from whitepills :
Oh yeah, your sister put me on her favorites, but she doesn't have her notes up so that I can request the password. Can you yell at her for me.
from whitepills :
I'm sorry you're having a bad time right now. I went through some pretty similar stuff a few months ago. Probably not to the exptent you are though. I am, however, in your corner.
from velvtally :
We adore you still, and that's just one more testimony to our inate geekiness.
from whitepills :
Well damn. Hmmm, I don't know if we can make it work between mac and pc. Do you have any suggestions? You can message or e-mail me if you do. I was at work when I got your e-mail, and AOL doesn't like me at work. So I decided to use dland as my forum. Sorry. Did any of that make sense. I was talking about the picture not working.
from adipose :
I so lost your phone number, but if you are aviable I would love to catch a movie with you today or something. Call me. :)
from whitepills :
WHo is this Jason Thorpe?
from whitepills :
I think I'm going to become a Mormon. I've had a lot of proposals recently. However, I think my girlfriend would be at least a LITTLE upset with me if I went accepting all of them without consulting her first. Can I talk it over with her? : )
from adipose :
The girl on your favorites list, that you said you are going to marry...(wow- run on sentence) I know her. OUr friend groups overlap. But I am 24 soon to turn 25, and most of my friends are older. YOu look so familar I keep trying to place where I know you from.
from adipose :
Yeah, I moved to Valdosta in October. I stumbled across your diary today with my friend Dottie when we were looking for a friends diary in Valdosta. I think that the same guy who did your tattos did hers. Did you get them done at Ink Addiction?
from adipose :
Of course. We live in the same backwaters puddle filled with Darwins rejects. I also belive that we have some flesh world friends in common. We could just meet someplace public for lunch some day. That is unless you would like to go to Vegas tonight, cuz I'll pack my bags.
from adipose :
If the fates would consent I would unravel the skein Rearrange your life Turn tragedy to comedy And still leave you the depth of spirit that makes you invincibly you Maiden Mother Crone Would all join in Stars would realign The day go dark And night turn gay If the fates would consent This would be a love letter Written on aged linen With a fine feather pen I�d seal it with wax And magic charms To keep moonlight on your path I�d carry it to you in my hair Weave ribbons over pain And if your heart caught in your throat I�d ask songbirds to teach you how to sing If the sky fell We would have clouds for breakfast We could ready Johnny in bed And summer would be quite still and cold Rain would fall And kittens purr on top of down comforters If the fates would consent This would be your love letter.
from whitepills :
Molly you are the awesomest. I will sweep you off your feet and take you to the moon. We can mak babies and shit. Okay, so that's a bad attempt at a love letter, but I bet it made you smile.
from whitepills :
How can you do that? I like to think I'm smart, but in reality, I'm a computer moron. So, it's possible for you to make a template and send it to me? Is that what you mean? Sorry. I don't know how this stuff works. Either way, thanks for wanting to help! I appreciate it lots.
from whitepills :
That's avery good idea. Please send complete template forming instruction to me at Man, that's a long web address. Actually, I would very much like to add a template, and I'm thinking about becoming a gold member so I can do the picture uploads too. But, I'm gonna have to ask all my smart computer friends to help before I can. So...unfortunately, it will prolly still be a while. : (
from joshb :
Actually, my problem is the same thing that will set me free one day... I have too many irons in the fire. I like my life and it's complexities; I just have a lot of areas that I planted seeds that will bloom later. Most of those seeds didn't have labels, but I planted them anyway. Now I just have to wait and see what it produces. If I don't like the result, I'll plant some more. To me, it's like a game, and I'm passionate about playing it. On another note, the car club is having a car wash this Saturday 10-4, you can come hang out and help us if you want :)
from rirwin82 :
I love you girl! Just wanted to let you know I'm thinking about you and I want us to hang out this weekend...will call you maybe tonight
from joifulghurl :
thank you for the hello kitty.. i hung it up on my tree. how far have you gotten on animal crossing? we should plan an animal crossing date sometime. love, gen
from whitepills :
But I have AIM. Jeff has MSN, but I don't understand it. And I'm too lazy to try and figure it out. You should just use AIM. We both have those.
from whitepills :
Muppets ROCK!
from whitepills :
Why can't you find that man? Because when a girl doesn't want to be touched, we think it's because of something we did. Because of that, we want to make it better by touching. Guys are dumb. I should know, I am one.
from rirwin82 :
Hey girlie...I'm about to move back home and you are about to leave...*pout* I am going to be in Valdosta Saturday. When are you coming home? I understand about moving to VA. It sounds awesome!!! I need to see you, miss you, love you. Seeing you would make all the nasty stuff in my life just completely disappear.
from whitepills :
I strike again. Don't worry, I don't mind depressing stuff when it's balanced with good things. I just hate when people bitch EVERY day. But....yeah, I find it VERY strange how similar our entries are for today. Look up, we're in this mess together.
from whitepills :
Mmmm, Stomp rules. I've seen them twice. They're so friggen' good. I saw them do the Zippo lighter thing when it was live. It was pitch black. You could only see the lighters flashing and hear the rhythm. It was so bad ass.
from whitepills :
Your hair kicks ass. I have your Mest shirt. And so does big Justin.
from lost-x-soul :
you have good taste in music and movies .. not many people appreciate johnen vasquez .. Sincerely, A Lost Soul
from strnglilgrl :
hey,i would say go for the hair cut..i used ot have really long black curly hair ( i have a soemwhat round face) anywho,it was about to my mid back and i got it al hacked off..similar to the picture..anywho..i like it and your right it's just hair...oh yeah..and i live in valdosta too..bethanyjo

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