messages to reasontostay:
(click here to add new message):

from puresunsh1ne :
you should be proud of your three miles! i am extremely proud of you. so tell everybody! =)
from omfggwtf :
i like your diary :) xo.
from cut-therain :
It is never smooth, life is hard. But I am always gonna be here to help ya get through it.
from puresunsh1ne :
sigh, it's dumb.
from puresunsh1ne :
hahaha i love reba too, but she really should only have a tv show and not sing yuck. =p
from puresunsh1ne :
Yeeeeah 5ks are fun you know what you should do?! Actually run in one with me.
from puresunsh1ne :
nothing of any actual importance, but i'll tell ya what it's about later if you want me to. love you darling. =)
from lovetantei :
Olivia's transferring to Murray. Be on the lookout for a blonde firecracker of a girl!!
from lovetantei :
I thought I'd follow the crowd. Everyone else was doing it. Which is exactly what the only entry you can't see says XD
from puresunsh1ne :
did you get a new password?
from puresunsh1ne :
dislike [your last entry].
from puresunsh1ne :
somehow i ended up reading entries from nopearlygate just now, i haven't thought about in a long time. i miss when we were babies.
from lovetantei :
It was. It was. I was asked if we should call you to come... Then I had to explain that Murray is 2 hours from everywhere. It was an awesome time.
from cut-therain :
we are too young to be anything but selfish. don't be so hard on yourself.
from puresunsh1ne :
Whenever we hang out at Cole's.

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