messages to seven-0:
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from jellyfishfur :
hi, remember me? how are you? how is your fixation with alice munro? =)
from jellyfishfur :
Here are some of the French movies I've seen: Belle du Jour (of course) Betty Blue French Twist (so frickin funny) City of Lost Children Ma Vie En Rose Contempt the French Two Men and a Baby the one about the girl and the stream...crap, I forgot the name...there's like 2 or 3 in a series... La Femme Nikita Okay, done for now... :)
from jellyfishfur :
i love french movies. especially really random ones that i pick up from the video store. the actresses seem to have mastered the art of being beautiful AND talented AND intellectual...which I think American actresses have a very difficult time with!! And you're right, they do seem like philosophy students.
from seven-0 :
1. I seem to become obsessed with authors. It lasts a few months or a few years. It was Toni Morrison at one time. J.D. Salinger when I was young (I'm 45)(I didn't become a psychopath during this phase). Simone de Beauvoir. Thomas Wolfe and Fitzgerald in high school. And James Baldwin. 2. The woman I was in love with and I would read her stories. What she wrote about seemed to apply to us. I guess in a way it is a way of hanging on to her. Whenever she has a story in the New Yorker I get excited. 3. She is just so damn good (Munro I mean).
from mycafelatte :
why do you like alice munro so much?
from jellyfishfur :
you seem incredibly interesting...i want to know more. i'm trying to find you a code, but no one I know has one as of right now. Do you have AIM? We could chat. My AIM name is jellyfishfur.
from jellyfishfur :
Hey, I don't use this site anymore, but come over to My journal is at You'll need a code to get started, so I'll try to find you one if you're interested! [email protected].

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