messages to shadowstar25:
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from albinoqueen :
Thanks for adding me to your favorite diaries! Anyway, my aol screen name is Sheisthephoenix. IM me anytime!
from albinoqueen :
Haha I get to be the first to leave you a note! As your fellow Garth fan, I feel honored. And yes, I grew up on Garth Brooks and have nearly every one of his albums! Call him cheesy or whatever, as many of my friends do, I still love him. YES! You MUST see Lord of the Rings! Everyone should, in my humble opinion. Then again, I am biased. =) I just saw the trailer for Star Wars Ep. III and I'm excited for it as well! I thought I saw a part where it looked as if Obi-Wan was getting a lightsaber in the stomach and that will not make me happy if it happens... lol. I just realized that amongst all my happy rambling, I forgot to return your introduction! I'm flighty like that! LoL I'm Jamie, lover of hobbits, books, food, Dr. Pepper and country music. I'm glad to meet you, drop in any time! Take care. May the Force be with you, and, as we LotR fans say, Namarie! (which means 'farewell')

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