messages to somwong-ee:
(click here to add new message):

from xxholding-on :
hey i saw you were online and i really wanted the vote/review from diaryland members towards an art contest i joined. It's a coach marketing contest and i need as many votes as i can get! I'm already in 19th out of 2700, please help me out!
from freestyleboi :
dude... help me out here... i dont know what the heck im doing... but im figuring things out... how do i put you as a "favourite" or whatever its called... so i can just click and ta da! im at your page or whatevs... later
from lillis :
me.. *taken* jes wanted to leave another NOTe .. hehehe and say "hAPPy b-lATeD bIRTHdAY!!"
from lillis :
hey sorrie.. it tis me again... yea you should check out or tell my christopher to check out the aa payge i have of us... beauty_n_beast it tis quite kew... sure?! welps yea jes check it out sometimes and sign it... Lisa
from lillis :
hi bud... it tis me Lisa... nice diary you have here.... kekeke welps buh byes Lisa
from muzikluvr02 :
You sound mad cool...I love the Goonies too! Your poem was so sweet...I write my own too...e-mail me [email protected]? Peace hun, stay chill!

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