messages to split-lip:
(click here to add new message):

from deadpainting :
ive missed you so. <3screemingink
from thegivinghrt :
I'm trying to do the same. I actually made it twelve days fasting and then gave in and ate... I hated myself for that because I only had to fast for forty days. I'm also trying to finish losing weight by the end of the summer... I know how you feel in a way. I hope everything works out for you. <3 Rachel
from conversedoll :
yes i want to keep reading, a password would be greatly appriciated. thank you doll
from acuttersedge :
Yikes! Thank goodness it wasn't prom. That would have been hell. The whole stressful process of "finding a dress" would have been in vein.
from acuttersedge :
Love the diary template. Good thing we don't run in the same pool... kinda like showing up and realizing that you are wearing the same dress as another girl at the prom.
from lik3hon33 :
ask urself this, do i really need diet pills??? don't u think u shud try losing weight the "natural" way. well n e ways i dont think u need those pills but its ur call. visit my diary.
from battle-hymn :
Wow I left that message a long time ago, I'm all better now pretty much. that whole situation still hurts a lot to think about, but I guess I gotta keep living. Well, i guess I'm gonna start using my journal again, so read it once in a while if you wanna. By the way, we will be hanging out soon whether you like it or not.....dagummit.
from battle-hymn :
Hey lady, I'm sorry I never talk on aim or whatever, I hate that thing so so much. I just really need to be talking to someone about what's going on with me right now. I feel like the biggest ass for it too, because I know you have a lot on your mind, and things definitely aren't all smiles and fluffy bunnies for you either. It's just I am feeling really rough right now. I know I told you about what happened with that guy who's dead now, and I know it's probably not my fault, but I really can't shake this feeling. It's killing me from the inside out. I said things to him that I would never repeat again as long I live because of how cruel they were, and the fact is, he took them to heart. No matter what he had done, or who he had hurt, things didn't have to end that way. I (of all people he knew, as I claim to know christ) should have understood and thought about that before I said what I said. So even now, as God is pouring out blessing over me that I couldn't explain in a hundred converstations, I still sit and feel like I've murdered someone. I feel like if it weren't for the things I said, and the hatred I showed him (instead of the forgiveness I claim for my own), he might still be here, living and breathing, and getting better. After talking to some people, it's even been brought to my attention that before I went on my verbal tyraids, despite the fact that he and I were at SERIOUS odds, he had taken to asking about me, and speaking really kindly of me. And I returned that favor with the full force of a human's hatred. I'm sorry this is so long, please im me if you're on and see my name on. I never look to see who's on and talk to anybody, I am ususally too busy trying to read stuff. I think I just really need to have someone to talk to. I'm so sorry to lay this on you when you have so much on your mind already. I just don't really know who else to talk to right now. I've severed a lot of ties.
from screemingink :
aww, thank you so very much! i love your hair! and your face is beautiful! :) regards, miss takes
from screemingink :
heh, yer so pretty. im jealous! xo, m.t.
from ambs69 :
Hey! AWESOME username and I like your diary. = )
from battle-hymn :
hey lady, just wanted to say hi, and I miss having you around. I am sorry stuff isn't all smilles and giggles for you. I hope it all gets beeter soon. I'll talk to you later. later gator
from hatinghate :
nearly every time i've tried signing your guestbook, it spazzes out. so, i'll try this now. i've wanted to tell you that you have so much to look forward to as college is coming up. i'm sure you'll have so many experiences - ones that will challenge you, and ones that you'll be happy to call memories. all in all, i hope things go wonderfully. also, you're so pretty, i could just... SHAKE you! [yeah, that's right.]
from battle-hymn :
hey, I just wanted to say hi, and that I understand. I can see how you wouldn't want to go away committed to someone back here. Besides, it's your life, and you know what's best for you. I mean, I'm not saying it doesn't suck, because it sucks a lot. You are probably the most awesome person I've met in a long time and it feels pretty rough to lose that so fast. I wish we could have had more time to get to know each other before you left. But I also wouldn't want you to feel stuck with me when you left. If you still want to hang out at all, or you want to talk to me, you know where I'm at. Just give me a call or hit me up when I'm online. Just know you are the best thing that's happened to me in a long time. Be sweet. Later gator
from battle-hymn :
Hey lady, nice reminds me of someone else's. But yeah, I'm bored sitting on the internet so I figured I would leave you a message. Hope work didn't suck too badly tonight. Well, have a good night.
from godess- :
congrat on the job, may i ask what you do? I have been meaning to get a job any ideas for a 14 year old? baby sittings out cuz im not deamed responcible enough by my parents
from split-lip :
just testing...
from patbateman :
rally's is a fast food chain here in the midwest. in the west it's called checker's. they have this really stupid series of commercials on tv with the theme, "you gotta eat." it's ridiculously stupid.
from raven72d :
Listen to Cowboy Junkies some night... Feel summer winds, listen to them sing "Sweet Jane" and "Murder Tonight In The Trailer Park" and just sigh...
from raven72d :
Thanks for the kind words... I'll try to buck up...
from raven72d :
I'll be reading yours, too. You're quite interesting...
from sipthis :
your layout is awesome. great writing too.
from raven72d :
I love the greys of your layout...and I love the thoughts within your writing.
from undesirable :
No, the tattoo itself has nothing directly to do with me. However, it's Angelina Jolie's tattoo, and coincedentally, the title on the browser is the english translation of what it says. I do like Angelina Jolie. Lovely actress. So that's the connection between my layout and me. I am thinking of changing the layout soon though, I am one of those who grows tired of the old quickly. I am too finicky too have a tried and true layout. I too have been reading your diary as well. Keep on coming back to mine, as I will be visiting yours again.
from undesirable :
I hope your diary can provide you with some comfort, as it seems you hope too. Thanks for leaving me a note. I love them. And I would love if you did visit my diary again. You're welcome anytime. Here's to hoping you like notes too, because you now have one from me. And I'm, um, well I'm going to go.

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