messages to swimlady0:
(click here to add new message):

from swimmmer72 :
Ok, I have to go to work right now, but I'll fix it tonight. :)
from swimmmer72 :
I figured you were one of the locals, although you must have changed your internet provider and I didn't know which one was you. You weren't the one I was worried about anyway - there are a couple others. I don't know why you can't comment - this is the first I've heard of anyone having problems. Yes, you'll get the key when I lock. Do I have your email addy?
from swimmmer72 :
i'm glad you enjoyed your first 8 Great! I usually go to 6 or 7 a year and this year is no exception. Dave Stevens Big band is the only one I never go to. BTW, my pic's in my diary about 4 or 5 times, the most recent picture a little more than a year ago. Maybe I'll see you at another 8 Great!
from swimmmer72 :
if your friend is andrea krivak, yes, i saw her chalk art. i never saw her, as she got her's done quick and got out, but i had the chance to talk to a lot of other artists. they all did a real nice job. hope you had a chance to see it, too. :)
from swimmmer72 :
working 2nd shift is what lets me get to the beach. when i work days, it's always late by the time i get home, but i can ALWAYS catch an hour or two of beach before work now, and i have the tan to show for it. not that a tan means anything - i think my boss is pissed because i get outside more than he does... :)
from swimmmer72 :
good luck with National City!! :)
from swimmmer72 :
thanks for the nice comment! it started out with wanting to do something different and just took off from there. just one chapter at a time - i really don't know where i'm going with this, and it's already taken a few turns that just popped into my head. glad you're enjoying it! :)
from swimmmer72 :
nice questionaire!! hope things are going well! :)
from swimlady0 :
Well who is the IM through? I have AIM and Yahoo. ;) MSN likes to crash many of my programs running, and ICQ is too complicated for me. As far as the burns go, got free drinks last night at the bar, so I'm not complaining.
from swimmmer72 :
it was IM, not AIM, which i never use and that's why i didn't notice at first. i'm not even sure if i can contact you through it. sorry about your burns!! you need to be more careful!
from swimmmer72 :
that all looks great, but when i go to outback, the first thing on my mind is steak and shrimp. i have a feeling i'll be stopping by soon. ;)
from swimmmer72 :
just for me, huh? well, definitely my kind of page! thanks for keeping me in mind. ;)
from swimmmer72 :
so, FINALLY, Happy Birthday!!!! enjoy your day!! ;)
from swimmmer72 :
happy one week to go birthday! i'll keep the fox and hound in mind. ;)
from dramoth :
Thank you so much for taking my survey! I was really impressed with your answers. I didn't know that much about the subject! Again, thanks. I hope to visit your diary soon.
from swimmmer72 :
sorry for no notes lately, just haven't had much time. i'm rooting for indy today - if they get past the patriots, they could go all the way. :)
from swimmmer72 :
yep, good old erie weather! throw in that there is a substantial difference depending on whether you are by the lake like me, up on the top of the hill like you, or on the other side of 90. you are right - just get used to it. it's winter; do what you have to do and make the best of it! :)
from swimmmer72 :
sounds like your boss is being a jerk! :( i'm glad you got things worked out despite his lack of help!! have a good time at your party! :)
from swimmmer72 :
re: personals. i'm always a little skeptical about internet romances/personals, that type of thing, but you can't ignore that it is an easy way to meet others. as long as you are comfortable with it (and meet in a safe place), go for it. sometimes you have to give a relationship a try just to see what it is that works for you (or not!). either way, it's a good excuse to have a good olive garden dinner, right? hope things go well!! :)
from swimmmer72 :
JAMBALAYA!!!!! that's my kinda food!!!! ;)
from swimmmer72 :
re: Matt. it's my guess that he does it because no one has called him on it, and i'm also guessing you aren't the only one he does it to. AND, he is completely comfortable continuing to do it, SO, if you want him to change, you must give him a reason to. i'd suggest asking him point-blank why he does it and telling him you don't like it. you're right. it does seem more than a little rude, and the fact that he does it should tell you something. but, unless you address it with him, it's bound to continue. i hope that helps! :)
from swimmmer72 :
thanks for the nice comments about the bills, AND for the sunset. very nice, and no, we're still not in the same league as indy. manning is having an incredible year!! ;)
from swimmmer72 :
patterns!!!!???? don't tell me i'm getting PREDICTABLE?? :)
from swimmmer72 :
re: john edwards. you shouldn't have to defend your beliefs. or that you meditate. there isn't anything wrong with either. there is always room for a little more spirituality in this world. stick to your beliefs and learn as much about them as you can!! :)
from swimmmer72 :
yep, i still got the comment! that's an old entry, huh? :)
from swimmmer72 :
#1351. i'm making this way too easy for you. ;)
from swimmmer72 :
yes, there are AT LEAST 3 pics of me in my diary, including 2 that are relatively recent (which would be in the last couple months). one is an older pic, but the other is from one of my trips - i'm not sure if it's the most recent one or not. i think i've read all of oceangypsy, there is a lot of swimlady i still have to get to. ;)
from swimmmer72 :
boy, talk about livin' the good life.... real nice pic! ;)
from swimmmer72 :
and yep, no pookie yet, but i'm sure you'll have that fixed by the time i get back online!! ;)
from swimmmer72 :
yes, you do have the degree! if you ever decide you need a change of pace, or scenery, let me know... ;) also, if game playing isn't your style (and i've never gotten the impression that it was), find a guy who you know will be straight with you. there are some out there. really.
from swimmmer72 :
i'm sure that your pictures will turn out GREAT, and the best part is that you are the only one that has to think so, and even then, if they don't, there is always another roll. i'm looking forward to seeing them!! ;)
from swimmmer72 :
looking forward to seeing your pics!!! even if you had to do it the hard way... ;)
from swimmmer72 :
ok, double pictures for the next week!! ;)
from swimmmer72 :
and,...BTW, the story this evening is only a little related to the one from this morning. and, if you think it explains anything, it doesn't. that story MIGHT come tomorrow. see, you are the only one who can be mysterious... ;)
from swimmmer72 :
well, see? 23 years old must be a pretty good thing, well, unless you are a TV. all the service places told me to toss it. HEY, didn't you have a story of some sort you were going to be relating today? ;)
from swimmmer72 :
ok, you have us all on the edge of our seats, nervous with anticipation, so let's get on with it!! ;0
from swimmmer72 :
i agree with you on politics, the weather, and flings. hopefully, things will turn around for the better, right? :)
from swimmmer72 :
nothing wrong with tattoos. i have one, and have thought about getting a second, but i'm holding off until i can decide on a good one. your idea for a tat is a good one, meaningful, and i think it would look nice. i'd just be careful where you put it and how big it is. mine was a b-day present, and i had a few drinks first, which helped. :)
from swimmmer72 :
we COULD talk about All Saint's Day, BUT, i'll tell you upfront that i'm about as far removed from anything involving sainthood as a person can get, so... i guess i'd be just listening. ;)
from swimmmer72 :
isn't halloween a religious holiday too? all hallow's eve, or something like that? seems to be wichan used to celebrate it, or a "religion" of the same type. SO,.... dressing up like a bar wench is just being religious, right? in any case, letting go for one night a year (or more) is still a pretty healthy thing. :)
from swimmmer72 :
sometimes friends are where you least expect them to be. i hope you find someone with a good set of ears. thanx for adding me as a fav!! :)
from swimmmer72 :
thanx for the note!! yes, i've enjoyed the sunshine lately, and YES, i'm always happy to see an open and unblocked diary!!! :)
from swimmmer72 :
just stopped by for a visit to see if you were still blocked. oh well... :)
from wilder3 :
Your Legs need to uncross sooner or later. Nerve channelwise it Is actually only a way of death.
from dreamer2003 :
Hey! Oh, no problem. Great, great survey. You should create more. I'll get the word out about it, if you'd like?? :) and thanks for the compliment. :D
from swimmmer72 :
i've been to your dream diary, but it was a long time ago. i don't remember getting freaked out by it, and will go back to check it out. i usually don't look at erie diaries to avoid running into people i know, or vice versa, but, as a long time swimmer, your s/n is just a bit irresistible. thanx for thinking about letting me into your diary. i appreciate it. :)
from swimmmer72 :
i'd love to leave you messages, as any swim related person from erie sounds like my kind of animal, BUT, unless you ever unlock... ok, ok, i'm sure you have good reasons, i'm just being curious, one swimmer to another. :)
from swimlady0 :
Start leaving me messages girls and our one guy. :)

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