messages to walking-iris:
(click here to add new message):

from cdghost :
i am back. from the dead.
from msvixen21 :
heyyyyy heidie my homie:) waaassuuuppp im sure u know who this is by my username:) jjejejeje and my laugh..well i just signed up and yep little by little im checking things out in here;) well ttyl take care of u n ur foot...miss ya!!
from meduzza :
DUDE, one more day!! Anyways, wishing you some luck!! YOU NEEEEEEEEED TO PUT BACK MYSPACE!!!! I MEAN IT!
from meduzza :
dude, WE NEED to go out to take away that depression!!! I'm telling you, lets chill at the beach, we'll make a fire and just talk! no walking required! well, only to get out of the car, but, um... hmmm... well, we'll figure it out.
from cdghost :
pretty words and lay out.will return
from meduzza :
Sure, I have the new one, you're probably listening and I have another one- I'd have to look hard for it, should be somewhere! I knew you'd like 'em! I like this Heidie! It's good to say all the shit you've got to say, damn it feels good! You should know!! Oh, I tried the liquid vicodin, damn! I had to stop myself from having it again!! IT is HEAVEN! I feel like i'm a feather floating in air! Alvina surprised me when she told me she had a recording of me calling her and told her I was on vicodin. I was like "when??", lmao, I couldn't even remember!! Geez, that vicodin really hits you fast! Dude, lets go to the horrorpop concert?? Alvina wants you to go also!
from meduzza :
What?! what happened?? you know you need to give me your password...
from meduzza :
What are you talking about heidie?? You are very pretty! We need to hang out, seriously, I have a lot to say also.... SO DONT KEEP IT IN LIKE YOU USUALLY DO! TALK! IT HELPS A SHITLOAD!LOVE U! LIZZY
from meduzza :
hope u had fun at rosarito!
from meduzza :
Dude! you didnt tell me!!! I had no idea your mom was having another kid!!! meany!
from meduzza :
Miss you!! hugs, hugs, hugs!! wondering who that person is that you write about,... hmmm..
from meduzza :
finally! you needed one of these! Anyways, I miss you guys... We should chill!! Maybe next week???
from walking-iris :
testing 1 2 4... okay.

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