messages to wldjeepgrl:
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from whystinger :
Awesome diary, I came across it and snooped a bit. I hope I find my way back... Cheers.
from sexpile :
Nice diary, you sound sexy!!
from wldjeepgrl :
Seems kinda pathetic that someone would get a journal in diaryland just so that they can bitch at me in my notes page. Hey, bsugirl0614, mind your own business. And if you are one of the people I was talking about in that entry, then don't be a pussy and tell me who the fuck you are. If you can write boring self-centered shit in your journal, then I can bitch about your journal in mine. Get over it.
from panda-baby :
I've been having superweird dreams too! Maybe it is a February thing? Hrm.
from kittyleopard :
Cute diary, yo. Karma and Kudos!
from panda-baby :
You are such a sweetheart ^_^. Thank you, Kim.
from panda-baby :
Oh... this is so sad =(. I hate that you guys are feuding like this. I suppose, with the conflict of personalities and values, you guys could never be friends for very long. But I did not realize you would end up enemies like this. Christi should not have said that, about the people at the party chasing away their sadness by drinking. She does not know you both well enough anymore to have the right to really say that. To be fair, I was a drinker and partier in high school, and that was my inefficient way of fighting depression. I also knew (and still know) a lot of people who did/do it for that reason. So I am guessing she assumed from personal experience that is why you all do it. I do not think she meant to offend you. I think it was a sign of concern, whether misdirected or not. That shows that she is not really unfond of you guys. She just does not understand the two of you anymore, and from not understanding comes fear, and from fear comes dislike. Also, I think Shayne was mainly at the party because he was doing the security thing (though I could definitely be wrong, and I usually am) and he is actually planning to quit the frat. The only reason he joined was because of Ryan and Briar, I think. And now that Briar is gone, and his friendship with Ryan is sort of wavering, he recognizes that he does not belong there and plans to remove himself from it. So I do not think he really means to go and ruin fun or sour moods. He is just in that obligatory waiting period of sorts. Again, I could be wrong. I am such a third party and such a buttinski loser, but I had to say something. I defend Ryan and you to Christi and Shayne, so it is only right for me to defend Christi and Shayne to you two. Not taking sides and stuff. You know? Take care of yourself, love. I never see you anymore. Or Ryan, for that matter. I hope you are both doing well. Ciao and stuff.
from panda-baby :
Ick. I only worked one night shift last year, and that was to cover for a girl. If I had not have talked my friends into come keeping me company, and I had not had the computer to play on (damn it--no more of that!), and the Wellhouse writers had not all been in there working on layouts... I would have been bastardly bored. Now I have the Tuesday one every week. Bah.
from panda-baby :
I am wondering if perhaps the dream was just showing how you feel right now. There are so many things going on in your life right now, so many important things. Yet all you really want, out of all those things, is Briar.
from panda-baby :
I have a new computer ^_^. That is why I need my computer modified again. It will be awesome to see you again too. It is all so close! I think everything will be good. It will take a little bit to get back in the swing of things, but it will be good.
from panda-baby :
"White Flag" is a wonderful song, in the same way that "I Will Love You" by Fisher is. It is really sad but honest and beautiful. Great when music can do that. And to be honest, I have only recently started to doubt my unmoving reliance on the one-soulmate theory. At different stages of our life, different people are perfect for us. So doesn't that mean our soulmate is determined by what stage in our life that we find him/her? Perhaps Briar is perfect for you at this part of your life, but who knows who or what will be perfect for you by the time you graduate? I have only been mad for someone once in my life, and that was (very VERY unfortunately) my best friend's fiance. He felt the same way. I stopped things sort of before they started, refused to let 12 years of friendship be ruined by a guy. Now they have a child together (accidental--Rayn [the best friend] had to withdraw our senior year to have him) and recently, after years of attempting to break up since they never really had a good relationship, they officially broke up. I was absolutely insanely crushed over him for over a year. It felt like I could not breath for more than TWELVE MONTHS. Then, slowly, I changed. And he changed. While I do not doubt we would have been perfect for each other at that stage of life, I cannot imagine we would be nowadays. Maybe it will go the same with Briar. I know it hurts, love, but it has to get better. And I am glad you do not regret it.
from panda-baby :
from panda-baby :
=D Thanks for the happy birthdays, Kim! I hope you are doin' okay. Your entry yesterday on being crushed by Briar all over again... I was worried =(. And I still adore your cat. Cowardly cats are the cutest things.

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