messages to zoesmomma:
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from sanetwin :
Samantha, I still want to read of course!
from heartscars :
check out my journal, i think you'll recognize me ;)
from sanetwin :
Congrats on Sian's safe delivery. I know how long you've been waiting for your little niece's arrival :). For Halloween i'm going to a costume party and taking Analise out trick or treating.
from d1mndn3r0ugh :
I'm so sorry you're having such a hard time. It always helps me to remember (as dumb as it sounds) that it could always be worse. I'm pregnant with my third child, neither me nor my man have permanent jobs (we're both contract employees) and we're living with his mom while we can save money....did I mention we only have about 50 bucks saved? HANG IN THERE!!!!
from sanetwin :
Ugh I know how money woes are. Analise grows so fast she barely stays in any of her clothes a month!!!
from sanetwin :
Gross I can't believe they didn't tell you it was sewage :( eww. sorry.
from sanetwin :
Thank you so much Samantha!!
from sanetwin :
ask your dr. about a medication called zonegram. It's for bipolar disorder and its an apetite supressant. It helps smooth your moods, not control them so it isn't addictive AND it doesn't make you a zombie or anything. Plus it naturally curbs the urge to eat as much. It isn't an alternative to dieting and exercise, of course, but has been proven to help in some cases of bipolar disorder and weight loss. Unfortunately, it hasn't been on the market long and their hasn't been many studies done on it, so there isn't much material available about it. BUt just a suggestion. I hope it helps. I agree with ZOe'. You are beautiful, inside and out :).
from momma-zoe :
I think you are beautiful, no matter what your weight. I really mean that, and I'm not just saying that. Why dont' you try the south beach diet or one of those? My momma has lost 25 lbs on it but she isn't strict about it. I worry more about your health, thus why I am suggesting the diet. You have to grow old with me, so we can sit in one of our garden's watching our husbands work in the yard ;) and all of our grandbabies playing and growing up to be best friends like us...
from momma-zoe :
I think you are beautiful, no matter what your weight. I really mean that, and I'm not just saying that. Why dont' you try the south beach diet or one of those? My momma has lost 25 lbs on it but she isn't strict about it. I worry more about your health, thus why I am suggesting the diet. You have to grow old with me, so we can sit in one of our garden's watching our husbands work in the yard ;) and all of our grandbabies playing and growing up to be best friends like us...
from sanetwin :
I will be keeping your family in my thoughts I hope your father is okay!
from holebrat21 :
you can get a free guestbook at bravenet. :) btw, all that chocolate sounds yummy!
from sanetwin :
I thought you had them turned off on purpose lol. jGlad you got yummy chocolate this weekend :).
from catsmeow1224 :
OH man! I hear ya on the 'intimacy' gripe. It seems like Kyle's interested during times when he KNOWS I'm not (like in the middle of the day after I finished changing a poop diaper, and right before I make lunch for the toddler). I don't get it either. It's like they try to PURPOSEFULLY avoid us. Jerks.
from sweetone03 :
Thank you for your concern, I think its very nice of you. I know its really bad to stop taking my meds, but I really cant affrod to go back to the dr. for refills. I am having a hard time right now I really really need to see a OB/GYN I havent told anyone this but I think I may have cervical cancer, but I cant find a dr who will set up a payment plan they all tell me I have to have the money up front or I wont see a dr. So I really dont know what to do. I am kinda stressed about it, but theres really nothing I can do. Just hope and pray everything is ok with me. I am not to worried about stopping my meds the way I did, I have done it before and I didnt get any bad side effects. This time I really do feel alot better, the main reason I started taking them again was because I was having problems sleeping and I was in a slump. From the time I was 9 until I was 18 I was in a depression, my mom wouldnt take me to a dr because she dont believe in depression and stuff. I was fine back than I made it through and I should have tired to make it through without medicine this last time but I didnt want to. Thank you for being concerned, and thanks for talking with me. If you ever need to talk leave me a note as well. I added you to my buddy list. Thanks.
from sanetwin :
Okay first I hope everything is okay with Brant right now :(. It sounds like HE was the on causing a problem and not you. And your sil needs to be smacked. Or your brother for letting her do that to his family.

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