
I live in Hilo, a city in the big island of hawaii. There are 3 goths in this city. I saw them all at the mall on saturday. "Pizza Day" by The Aquabats is a song i've heard too often in the last 48 hours. I'm in love with raevyn.

My favorite diaries:

raevyn808 profile - diary
comments: I'm in love with her! She calls in sick to work to play Animal Crossing! She washes my underwear if I complain enough!
casperwoo profile - diary
comments: From New York. Just like all your favorite punk rock bands! Like Loverboy maybe! I wouldn't know.
kissacod profile - diary
comments: There's a guy who sells sunglasses at a kiosk in the mall, and I think she'd like him because he looks like an effeminate rocker.
johnpowers profile - diary
comments: I don't think he likes George Bush! He likes you though. Unless your name ends with John Ashcroft.
juniperhexum profile - diary
comments: Dates men, hates men, skin's pink, nose rink! I mean ice rink! I mean nose ring! Damn it!
adamexe profile - diary
comments: Played at CBGB's! You know, that stupid tshirt you can buy at American Eagle Outfitters.
the-new-hank profile - diary
comments: Never to be seen dressed as Bugs Bunny and greeting the children at Six Flags, hopefully.
redcadmium profile - diary
comments: Abstractish art and (possibly) good poetry (how would I know?).
jesbohn profile - diary
comments: Tries real hard to be funny, and succeeds sometimes. Just like me! Also like me: the unfunny stuff is painful to read.
alora-dream profile - diary
comments: Ranges from so-so "who cares? not me!" to deeply moving. I should stop editing this comment. Those 3 hours I will never get back!
nudeplatypus profile - diary
comments: And now I wanna be your nude platypus!
jerevp profile - diary
comments: the-new-hank's other diary, where he insults your mother even more.
mralarm profile - diary
comments: A man a plan a canal panda. Wait... crap.
sarafem profile - diary
comments: Disrespects cops! Disrespects republicans! LOVES your mother, though.

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last updated: 2005-01-11 06:13:32
this user's total entries: 143
user since: 2001-06-22

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