Memoirs of an Evil Genius

After receiving a dual degree in nuclear physics and microbiologechanics from Dartmouth, our anti-hero still felt unfulfilled. He organized blood drives on the malaria-stricken coast of Algiers and taught English to the poor in Yemen. Still, something was missing. Then he moved to LA to pursue his childhood dreams, and found what had eluded him for so long: an intense dislike of all mankind. Now he wants world domination. Look out.

My favorite diaries:

morganzola profile - diary
comments: "I realized yesterday that the reason I quit shopping there for good was because the music made me want to throw myself into the meat grinder."
dancingbrave profile - diary
comments: "So now I�m sitting here, terrified that some random guy will show up tomorrow and I�ll either be clueless, or not the person he�s meant to see, in which case I�ll look a fool for not actually admitting I was faking my way though a conversation."
misterzero profile - diary
comments: "It's a tacky holiday and for the most part, mine have been spent either single or, on one occasion, with a guy who shoved some roses at me as he was about to drop them and said, "Here, take these. I'm about to drop them."
slippin-m profile - diary
comments: "I said, "Diet Coke, you tempt me like that one more time..."/and it did./So I took the bottle from the fridge/and I poured two warning sips.../...into my mouth."
drunkyfunky profile - diary
comments: What can actually be said about a diary for which you and your tongue are actually a statistic? Check this shit out, yo!

My favorite music:

Aimee Mann
comments: If you don't appreciate Aimee Mann, you'll be at the bottom of the New World Order when I come to power. I promise.
The Mamas and the Papas
Rufus Wainwright
Liz Phair

My favorite movies:

comments: The original. Not that weird-ass remake.
Run, Lola, Run
Mulholland Drive
comments: I still don't get it all, but I love it.

My favorite authors:

Sue Grafton
Janet Evanovich
Patricia Cornwell
comments: Except not 'Isle of Dogs'. That book was ass.
Sharyn McCrumb
Christina Rossetti

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diaries which list blofeld as a favorite diary
last updated: 2006-07-27 20:09:20
this user's total entries: 522
user since: 2002-11-18

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update April 6, 2020: Sorry, we just had 8+ hours downtime due to a server problem. Restoring from backups took soooo long, but everything is back and no data was lost. Ay yay yay! Anyhow, hope everyone is well with the virus stuff.

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