a kind of hush all over the world.

My favorite diaries:

hopscotch profile - diary
comments: mr. cooke would be proud.
ashen profile - diary
comments: native hue of resolution sickled o'er with the pale cast of thought.
pixiia-8 profile - diary
comments: twilight time, chatting outside a caf� in France.
weezer1d profile - diary
comments: works in crowded place where I hope nobody can find me.
exalt profile - diary
comments: hidden beneath a mountain of tedious intellectualness.
egress profile - diary
comments: i might crack a smile, but ain't a damn thing funny.
aesthesia profile - diary
comments: thinks what i think, says the things i can't say
lil-michelle profile - diary
kimmikers profile - diary
conclusions profile - diary
blowtorch profile - diary
prologue profile - diary
dullstar profile - diary
preciousroy profile - diary
comments: good kid.
mariastuart profile - diary
comments: faceless wonder.
autumnal profile - diary
comments: and all that jazz.
erato profile - diary
comments: she's the sort of woman who lives for others--you can tell the others by their hunted expression. I beg you don't stop.
freshsoul profile - diary
comments: fine conversationalist.
thisdarkgirl profile - diary
comments: pouty.
therat profile - diary
comments: nice picture show.
soulepiphany profile - diary
comments: similar wavelength, frequency give a few radians.
thefallofart profile - diary
comments: that's that.
compie profile - diary
comments: ames.

My favorite music:

oldies stuff
comments: Nick Drake, Motown, The Rolling Stones, The Beatles, Jazz
I used to be big on techno but not anymore. I don't know what the hell house music is.
comments: I really ought to read more.

My favorite movies:

Bottle Rocket
comments: Inept men with enthusiasm.
Foreign Film
comments: Yi Yi, The Dreamlife of Angels, The Single Girl, The Girl on the Bridge, The Films of Wong Kar Wai, Hana Bi, Shall we Dance?, The Killer, Seven Samurai, Zatoichi movies, more
Classic movies, for lack of a better term
comments: Guess Who's Coming to Dinner, In the Heat of the Night, The Manchurian Candidate, Singin' in the Rain, The Third Man....
Roman Holiday
comments: Deserves it's own place.
Sunshine Deferred
comments: in the making. I really ought to read more.

My favorite authors:

William Shakespeare
comments: He knew everything about everything.
F. Scott Fitzgerald
comments: Tom and Daisy are careless people. So am I. Sometimes...
comments: That is so cliche. I love to hate him.
Henry David Thoreau
comments: Guide to life
J.D. Salinger
comments: Everybody kid think's he's Holden. I really ought to read more.

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last updated: 2005-12-09 14:12:44
this user's total entries: 241
user since: 2002-01-31

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