I wish you wouldn't create antimatter from those pandas

The Gods made heavy metal and they saw that it was good. They said to play it louder then HELL and we promised them that we would.

My favorite diaries:

cyris3d profile - diary
comments: hey guy
theinane profile - diary
comments: Keil-O's mmmmmm
BigR profile - diary
comments: "If loving Jesus is wrong, I don't wanna be right"
aquari04 profile - diary
comments: Melissa... prettiest blue eyes I've ever seen
gabado profile - diary
comments: GABADOOO!!!
shutupmom profile - diary
comments: GET SOME!!
xillusionx profile - diary
comments: silly sod
sasquatch profile - diary
comments: hoser
amyjenn profile - diary
comments: Jen
robbiesucks profile - diary
comments: Oh its true Wobbie does suck a mean one =)
unsentletter profile - diary
comments: good stuff...
girls-suck profile - diary
comments: yea they do
soulexer profile - diary
comments: Nick Nick Nick
subaroo profile - diary
comments: Sub-Man-slut-butt-nuts
singen profile - diary
comments: Hello Joe!!
turtlspinr profile - diary
comments: hehe he goes by the name of J.P. you'll never guess what the P means...
dong-mometer profile - diary
comments: no need to get all pissy guy
zen0n4u profile - diary
comments: Zenon girl from the 21st century... except it's my friend Tony
karma4371 profile - diary
comments: Erica.... she beats me then hugs me... I dont get it
rekkooh profile - diary
comments: I <3 Rekkooh... strange hairy man
leaxndoire profile - diary
comments: LANDOR!!!
Starlitpm25 profile - diary
comments: Traci
xcavemanx profile - diary
comments: some little guy name Tom... coolest kid ever!!
candy007 profile - diary
groovebunny profile - diary
myshell profile - diary
licalicious profile - diary
kissingair profile - diary

My favorite music:

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My favorite authors:

leave a note for carneyboy
diaryrings which carneyboy belongs to
diaries which list carneyboy as a favorite diary
last updated: 2012-06-07 06:44:46
this user's total entries: 677
user since: 2001-07-27

ICQ number: a Quiet time of desperation
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update April 6, 2020: Sorry, we just had 8+ hours downtime due to a server problem. Restoring from backups took soooo long, but everything is back and no data was lost. Ay yay yay! Anyhow, hope everyone is well with the virus stuff.

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