
I normally don't make profiles, but I guess sometimes people should know a bit more about you other than that you hate your parents. I made this diary to give me piece of mind, in many ways it worked, in many others it did the exact opposite. My name is danny gomez, I live in Germantown, moved from Clarksville, left all of my wonderfull friends. I love Music and my friends. I'm eventually going to have a ewb page too.

My favorite diaries:

sidereal8 profile - diary
comments: this is Rachels' old diary, she has a new one but I don't think she wants everyone knowing, she's gone through so much, and in many ways I think she's the only one who really understands me.
megzie profile - diary
comments: Meghann, she's awesome, she lives here in Memphis too.
nikthechick profile - diary
comments: my nik, she's the bestest. I really miss her a lot. I always had this notion that we were like soul mates, now we never really talk, she went to college, but I Guess I'm just a sophomore in high school...there will never be anyone as beautiful a
papertigerloves profile - diary
comments: this isn't actually a diary, this is Brandon and Patrick and Lloyd's webpage for there band. They use to be Sidereal. They started off with all of the right reasons. I don't know why they make music now. I still love them all though, even i
losingalice profile - diary
comments: I think this is still Ginn's diary. One of my best friends, she was great...she went off to Knoxsville, but even before that we stopped talking for a while. It seems like her diary is the only real connection I still have with her.
megameg1495 profile - diary
comments: this is meg seay, she's a cool kid most of the times. She just needs to learn how to be herself.

My favorite music:

Bright Eyes
The Postal Service
Dashboard Confessional
Taking Back Sunday
Saves the Day

My favorite movies:

American Beauty
Edward Scissor Hands
Ferris Buellers Day Off
Requiem For A Dream

My favorite authors:

Stephen Chbosky
comments: He wrote The Perks of Being A Wallflower, incredibly powerfull book. Read it.
Ayn Rand
comments: The Fountainhead, and Anthem are just two of her books. They are both incredible, mostly about individualism.
S.E. Hinton
comments: The Outsiders is such an incredible book. And the author must be great.
Chuck P.
comments: Choke, Fight Club, ect. Awesome.

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last updated: 2006-01-04 20:10:03
this user's total entries: 423
user since: 2002-01-02

AOL IM name: GomezGuy2005
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