messages to confusion247:
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from dope-slave :
From the moment SolarBabies opened with a man�s wise voice telling of the destruction and dehydration of Earth, I told myself that it couldn�t possibly get worse. That was until a pre-teen dressed in orphan rags skated down a desert slope shortly followed by a hockey team sharing the movie�s ludicrous name. The film had sunk into a hilariously feeble attempt at sci-fi and the only way to bear the rest would be to laugh at any pathetic sense of seriousness that came along. SolarBabies� plot was stupid, unbelievable, and for the most part unoriginal. What little originality there was, wasn�t in the main plot, but in how they had managed to fit such idiotic scenes together to form a movie without adding surreal, psychedelic effects to it like so many 60s movies have done. Obviously, SolarBabies was meant to be taken in the utmost gravity. It was �dramatic� and �poetic� at all the wrong moments and scenes moved too swiftly without showing logical reasoning behind each action (although, thankfully, that spares the audience from watching one moronic scene for a tedious 15 minutes). And, as in every movie of its genre, the end was accompanied by a victorious revenge fight scene in which the heros kill, or at least seriously injure, all who have done them wrong. The plot, if one at all exists, is surely not the highlight of the movie. Originality wasn�t much better. Although the entire film consisted of one cliche after another, some were more memorable than others. For instance, a group of boys who happen to play hockey are favored by a cop over another group (why, it�s West Side Story all over again!). Mist would also appear out of nowhere at the most �powerful� moments. Perhaps that would work well near a water source (i.e, Lake, ocean, swamp, etc.) but it�s not very successful in a desert. The movie isn�t exactly brilliant with cinematography either. It�s colorless, bland, and mediocre. Any special effects that happen by are pathetic: The magical orb/sphere sparkles while flying�very high-tech . . . Not. Acting and dialog could easily fit into one category since neither of them really exists. Either it was the actors who made the dialog horrible or vice versa. Or perhaps they were both just horrendous. All together it was shallow, monotonous, and transparent. The jokes came out lame, happiness was obviously faked and the metaphors, which were very simple to begin with, were all too clear. Somehow I don�t think SolarBabies acquired any Oscars in Best Script/Actor/Actress. I have to admit, the part that really shocked me was music and sound. I had heard that the composer who did it was fairly talented but when the credits opened and a mixture of Richard Strauss and Star Wars blared through the TV, it couldn�t have been more opposite. It was almost frightening in its stupidity: Complete with Happy-Go- Lucky, Let�s-All-Rejoice dancing songs, eerie space noises, and freaky 80s �music� inserted at random intervals. The background music during dialog reminded me amazingly of elevators. All in all, SolarBabies is as laughable as its name.
from lustylatino :
Danny, you aren't too far away from being the most rad guys I've only met once, ha! -David
from bewildered85 :
Danny, don't dismiss those feeling, please. I love you. -Layne
from whateversifl :
Wow, I can't believe I got through that entire entry- I guess you got a lot on your mind. That's cool- typing can be a really good stress reliever. I'm sorry about your girl problems. I wish I could empathize more, but I can't really get that close to people anymore, so I don't really know what you're going through. And as for production, I'm really glad you're still liking it. That theatre dept. is the best thing that could happen to anyone who really wants it. Sometimes I wish I had wanted it enough. But I guess everything happens for a reason. Anyway, the things you learn in there are gonna take you so far in life, you could do almost anything. I think there's this one girl who was in production that now works for the U.N. :) And your dad... I know it sucks that you can't see him that much, but at least you still love him. No one can take that away from you. You're so lucky because you still have that. I can't ever forgive my dad, and he lives 3 minutes away from me. It hurts. Sorry this is so long. :) Byes
from faultyimages :
Don't worry about John Thomas. There are people more fit for you out there anyway. :-) I promise. Some people just don't work out, but you will find someone. It just takes time. Anyone would be lucky to have you. And don't say you aren't attractive, because you are. And I'm not just saying that to make you feel better.
from faultyimages :
Danny I heart you times 387. Really. You rock.
from soul14 :
just passing throught. i think you've got some great stuff here.
from easyreviews :
great! It's up at this adress: Check it out.
from easyreviews :
Hi! I just started a new review page and need new people to review. Interested? sign up on my page...
from whateversifl :
Yea, defense mechanisms suck. I've had the same problem.
from whateversifl :
Just be yourself, Danny. You'll never be able to get everyone to like you- that's impossible. And trying to change yourself for someone will only make it worse. But if you're honest, at least you'll like yourself. And, when it comes right down to it, that's all that matters, right?
from whateversifl :
Hey, I was just listening to my 3rd eye blind CD for the first time in a year the other day- they rock my socks. :)
from losingalice :
hey danny, it's ginn. haven't talked to you in a long time. i hope that everything is going good. i miss you so much. i am still living in knoxville, but i will be moving to florida soon. i love you danny. -ginn-
from whateversifl :
Hey, woah, dude, when'd you unlock your diary? I still had you on my buddy list, and just decided to see if you were still locked and you weren't- that's good, I guess. :) You're probably up at the G-town Festival right now- man, I hated having to do that last year. Anyways, starting a band sounds fun- let me know if you need any vocals. :) -Kyra
from muppetbayb3 :
heylo danny! Ignore the drama, its summer! There should be no drama in summer...although i have some that im going to b discussing with u later(dont worry, theres no drama for u lol). Have fun, and maybe we'll have some more dashboard duets and mayb a few moulin rouge duets too! stop the abuse danny! haha love you! ~Vicki
from roseycherry :
Hey Danny- Look Im telling a friend of yours well call her ***** that everything will be ok and it will. My fav quote thing is "It will all be ok in the end and if its not ok then its not the end." and ***** doesnt really believe me. I dont know if you will either and im not sure if what ur last two entries were about what i think they were about but if they were then Im wondering why the hell you dont tell whoever ur talking about what u said. I think that if u think a relationship did mean something then why not try to fix it now? better late than never. i mean the truth late is better than the falsness always. Dont know if im making sense or not but if you think u have fucked things up then explain things to the girl ur talking about k or not w/e. anywho dont kill urself dearie because no one will be happy about it and then who else would i have to trade pants with lol. no more blades! lol huggs!!!! ~Jay
from iamanemokid :
hope you had fun at the show, and i hope you enjoyed the teddy grahams.
from even-angels :
Danny- So I was at Tobys and I'm up too early as ususal. I'm going to Morgans in a while. You seemed kinda depressed, or on the verge of depress-oness so call me tonight if you feel weird. Don't do anything dumb. I realize I'm not your mom,but I worry about you sometimes. -sigh- Ilove you though, don't do anything really dumb ok? Just call. Doesn't matter what time. If you feel weird call before your dumb. OK? Muchlove,
from even-angels :
from starzette :
from confusion247 :
hey danny!
from d-rex17 :
je suis un 'Danny' aussi, et j'adore Moby aussi. Quelle Coincidence!
from bekat :
Nice to see you are enjoying more of MEMPHIS.. i'll be home for the summer but give me a ring whenever you like!! If you wish too. HEY good luck WITH THAT CHRISINA MASON.. heheh bye
from onelonegirl :
hey danny i liked your banner so i clicked i liked it much clicks me and sign g-book life is fucked up so i just deal
from roseycherry :
Danny- AGHH (its julia btw) how do i get the thing to see ur diary!?! unless u blcked it in which that would make sense hmmmmmmm.... well sign my guestbook to tell me the answer or make me feel even more special and leave me a note! wahooo! im obvious but still stating. ~huggz~ -DANNY AND ANGEL FOREVER!!!!!!- ~DAN AND JULIA FOREVER TOO!!!!!~
from even-angels :
Danny- Just read your "Waiting the Day" I really hate you sometimes, actually never, but I'm really mad.. I wish you didn't play around with the thought of your death so much. Really you took too many of your moms meds. YOu cut yourself just to see? BS. People don't do those things. And it isn't funny to joke around with them. I'm not sure why I started this cos I don't have a conclusion and I'm still just as mad and I sound like I'm rambling so I'm done. If I am able to block you from my DL alone..I will, if not..don't read anythign for a while.

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