not updated often

You must know that loving or caring or giving is something you do not control, you only express it, because love goes on without you, whether you give love or don't, whether you receive love or not, it still goes on.

My favorite diaries:

coldsnowden profile - diary
comments: we are still thisclose
emodarling profile - diary
comments: stop drooling. i know it's because i'm hot.
diarygoddess profile - diary
comments: because stephen loves us all
f-ckwittage profile - diary
comments: "...nekkid people in compromising positions..."
punkrocka profile - diary
hildeguardog profile - diary
comments: I told Abe the truth, and he went off to pray for me.
themusicdied profile - diary
comments: said something hilarious like "kristen is the coolest girl ever"
audioboxer profile - diary
charliemo profile - diary
pumpkinpie15 profile - diary
track1side2 profile - diary
comments: jack

My favorite music:

jimmy eat world
comments: the red hot valentines, rufio, darkest hour, bane, hieroglyphics, the roots, get up kids, new found glory, new amsterdams, further seems forever, ultimate fakebook, death cab, zion i, atmosphere, alk3, hot water music, dismemberment plan
comments: tuesday, jejune, camber, appleseed cast, brandtson, sig transit gloria, mineral, gloria record, sleeping at last, cadillac blindside, the anniversary, rise against, weezer, slapstick, the juliana theory
comments: bjork, portishead, aphex twin, sense field, pop unknown, imbroco, the impossibles, reuben's accomplice, the stereo
namie amuro
comments: troubled hubble, sparta, cave in, piebald, beck, billy music, the reunion show
motion city soundtrack

My favorite movies:

high fidelity
harry potter
lilo and stitch
princess mononoke

My favorite authors:

comments: franny and zooey
comments: joy luck club
comments: harry potter

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last updated: 2012-03-08 12:27:01
this user's total entries: 1488
user since: 2000-12-29

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update April 6, 2020: Sorry, we just had 8+ hours downtime due to a server problem. Restoring from backups took soooo long, but everything is back and no data was lost. Ay yay yay! Anyhow, hope everyone is well with the virus stuff.

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