Quirky shopaholic... Likes money (to shop with)... But has none (cause of chronic depression)... Also shameless adrenalin junkie. Addicted to sleep. Loves heights. Hates B-grade horror movies. Adores avid imagination. Despises mindless adulation. Feeds positivity. Craves creativity.
My favorite diaries: |
Graciloo profile - diary |
comments: The diary of one of my best online friends. She's secretly also a live journal user but SHHHH... Graciloo is oh-so-lovable. *hugs and squashes her* We have so much in common its freaky... |
Cassieloo profile - diary |
comments: Another of my favouritest online people. Part of the 'Loos (can't ya tell who we are from the names above? heh) coz we're all cool like that. Very smart. Very creative. And she writes the shibbiest poems... |
Mibiloo profile - diary |
comments: Meghan made a diary coz of me! "Probably the only reason I actually have one of these is because Elixia does (all hail the mighty 'Lix)" Oooer! Hear, hear!! ^_~ Mibiloo is a kick-ass babe & like a sister to me. Wicked awesome. |
Crazytwisted profile - diary |
comments: Lali a.k.a Lalioo's (my silly nickname for her) diary. She's one of my friends from the Lumos Solarum RPG. Interesting girl and great fun to talk to! Has a really cool journal too... 'Li is da devilish diva, y'all |
Kla-ness profile - diary |
comments: Mwahahaha. I have converted Ren, Kayla and Amanda to DIARYLAND and now the ring of Loos is complete! Kayliloo's a Fillipino American sweetie from Chicago. Uber nice girl, go read her diary. |
Reniloo profile - diary |
comments: Ren refused to move to Diaryland coz she loved her Dead Journal too much. But here she is finally. Woooot!! I <3 Reniloo. She's a sucker for sidekicks like me and a Virgo too. Plus she's really funny and has good taste in accessories. |
Sukiloo profile - diary |
comments: Amanda a.k.a Asuka a.k.a Suk a.k.a. Sukiloo... Part of the trio from Chicago. Very cool girl despite her love for anime ^_~ Loves her DDR too and is an awesome graphic designer. |
B-ster profile - diary |
comments: Bryony the B-ster the B-ness the B-dawg! Finally got a diary. Yayness for B-ness. Bryony is from NSW Australia and she is one cool bitch. |
No-yes-maybe profile - diary |
comments: Lesbian chica who left me a nice comment on my notes page. She's got a funky page with rocking icons. Clearly someone who holds firm in what she believes in, and I respect that. |
Ballet-bum profile - diary |
comments: Another diary I found coz its owner left me a note. Her diary rocks... Loads of interesting entries. |
Secretelixa profile - diary |
comments: Wow. It's amazing. This girl left me a note on diaryland and her nickname's Elixa, while mine is Elixia. And we both like Hpottz & Snape and play RPGs. How freaky is that?! But incredibly cool. |
Rapperkridd profile - diary |
comments: Looks like I find alot of diaries via people who leave me notes, haha. This girl, Kristena Todd left me a note to tell me her hobbit name. Go LOTR fans! |
Pammileela profile - diary |
comments: Pammy, a friend from mine from Australia. Awes singer, fantastic RP-er, voice student, RPs at Lumos & BtV, loverly girlie... And she might be moving to Melbourne too, with Shem and I... Most excellent and a half. |
Ewam profile - diary |
comments: Elandra Wambiri's Academy of Magic - Homepage of a new RPG set up by Cassieloo! All you shibby RP-ers out there... JOIN JOIN JOIN! That's an order, damnit! |
Camaronitas profile - diary |
comments: Cameron's one of Graciloo's friends from Maine who skis at Sugarloaf. How cool is that ski field's name? Yummilicious. Anyhoo, Cam is fun to talk to though I haven't talked to her much yet. She reminds me of Gracey loads sometimes. |
Kiedisflower profile - diary |
comments: Katie Michaud a.k.a the Vehement Cookie... Cookie is cute and cool and has been subject to gruelling RP training Charlie's Angel style by Gracey (Natalie), Mibby (Dylan) and I (Alex)... Mwahaha! |
purpleterror profile - diary |
comments: Lali's new diary... Her new design is dark and awesome. And she's kicking butt on photoshop... |
My favorite music: |
My favorite movies: |
My favorite authors: |
leave a note for elixia
diaryrings which elixia belongs to
diaries which list elixia as a favorite diary
last updated: 2004-10-04 12:16:10
this user's total entries: 147
user since: 2003-10-02
AOL IM name: Elixia Inez
ICQ number:
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MSN Messenger name: [email protected]
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