...a very poor scheme for survival.

I live in Texas. I manage projects and am a VERY INACTIVE professional wrestler. I'm a happily married husband and a dad.

I used to write a lot. I don't now. I have very few things that suck in my life.

I am head over heels in love.

My favorite diaries:

grogan profile - diary
comments: my old journal. I say it's a "must read" because, you must read.
beloit08 profile - diary
comments: my friend greg. one of the best writers I've met. He laughs at my jokes.
oxeia profile - diary
comments: amazing mom and one of the brightest dark spots--or darkest bright spots....can't figure out which.
kiterlily profile - diary
comments: tiny voice in the middle of the ocean.
msdezine profile - diary
comments: she's searching for it. (I think she found it, or a version of it)
itsmylife profile - diary
comments: the only bad thing I can say about her is she's canadian.
silentswirl profile - diary
comments: i owe her a hug (or two)
starsaway profile - diary
comments: i crack her up, or did.
sweettits profile - diary
comments: unfiltered and funny, and boobies. gone.
somn profile - diary
comments: jeff climbs rocks.
cariboutwo profile - diary
comments: great mom and in a perpetual state of self-discovery
jessiewolf profile - diary
comments: Jessie is super sweet and reminds me that I need to be a better person.
youradhere profile - diary
comments: whipcrackin' good fun. www.tremble.com
netdiva profile - diary
comments: sticks up for me and her words ring true (not the ones about me though!)
tchotchke profile - diary
comments: no password...for now, so go eat it up. she's the sweetest
adobogirl profile - diary
comments: Man, if i was ten years younger...
steampowered profile - diary
comments: I didn't add greg so long because maybe his diary was secret, then I thought, Greg should lock his journal up if he wants to be all sneaky-like.
blistery profile - diary
comments: andrea--hotlanta--promises kisses- delivers!
cancerpetal profile - diary
comments: Kara. I fucked it up with her. She's alot more than she thinks she is.
glistenen profile - diary
comments: another girl that was leftover from the old grogan diary. I doubt she still reads me though.
e-nymph profile - diary
comments: single mom. very open. very expressive. very grounded.
voltageshock profile - diary
comments: beautiful. intelligent. clever. witty. cryptic. missing (?)
euphonious profile - diary
comments: dove headfirst into love...with me. (luckiest guy in the world)
sleepymom profile - diary
comments: My friend Sandi. I touched her boobies when we were 15. I doubt she remembers that.
andrew profile - diary
comments: he's the best! I owe him so much.
half profile - diary
comments: lilah's fucking rad.
sexfiendgirl profile - diary
comments: Canadian cutie who talks about sex so much I blush.
katicabogar profile - diary
comments: My friend here in Budapest, Kati
sirenslave profile - diary
comments: chips, dips, chains, whips
gulfairuz25 profile - diary
comments: Girl I knew from Budapest, found me here, and started writing.

My favorite music:

My favorite movies:

My favorite authors:

leave a note for fulltilt
diaryrings which fulltilt belongs to
diaries which list fulltilt as a favorite diary
last updated: 2015-04-08 08:06:43
this user's total entries: 445
user since: 2001-06-21

AOL IM name: pijohos
ICQ number: 3343102
Yahoo Messenger name: focusedandable
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