
still going...

My favorite diaries:

small-one profile - diary
step-inside profile - diary
fatnomore profile - diary
comfortm profile - diary
sarahsundae profile - diary
zoerouge profile - diary
unquiet-mind profile - diary
pigger18 profile - diary
anyra profile - diary
skinny--girl profile - diary
celticshadow profile - diary
ethereal-red profile - diary
sapphire02 profile - diary
dissolving profile - diary
kbc profile - diary
krichelle profile - diary
fat0free0air profile - diary
soulsojourn profile - diary
signyvolson profile - diary
jasminum profile - diary
pieridae profile - diary
mixedup profile - diary
anainsight profile - diary
soapboxdiner profile - diary
miedema2002 profile - diary
tfrunner262 profile - diary
enurta profile - diary
writergrrl88 profile - diary
susieq22 profile - diary
emaciana profile - diary
dimstar profile - diary
amory-vain profile - diary
lovelynight profile - diary
illusionless profile - diary
razor-vixen profile - diary
xxplaydeadxx profile - diary
going-down profile - diary
amour-fonce profile - diary

My favorite music:

the cure
the police
Eighties music in general
The Doors

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My favorite authors:

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diaryrings which luxelady belongs to
diaries which list luxelady as a favorite diary
last updated: 2015-08-13 01:46:55
this user's total entries: 529
user since: 2003-10-12

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update April 6, 2020: Sorry, we just had 8+ hours downtime due to a server problem. Restoring from backups took soooo long, but everything is back and no data was lost. Ay yay yay! Anyhow, hope everyone is well with the virus stuff.

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