✿♡LiiFE iiS To.o Sh.oRt, LiiVE iiT aS iiF iiT WaS YoUr LaSt Day.y♡✿

I'm Jasmine. I'm just your simple, average girl trying to make it in this big ol' world. I rather enjoy writing, although my poetic spirts tend to come and go all the time. I'm married to one of the greatest guys I could ever know, <3Jacob. I became complete when I welcomed my miracle baby, Jaynee to the world Aug. 21, 2014. She is my everything. I'm majoring in Accounting at my local community college. I return in January if all goes as planned.

I enjoy meeting new people. If my page spikes any of your interest, feel free to drop me a note and or add me. I'll respond asap, so don't give up on me ヅ

My favorite diaries:

lisaannlm profile - diary
comments: hey chica [ヅ]
koorikaze profile - diary
comments: a fellow Christian, Oh so nice [ヅ]
julymalaise profile - diary
comments: Seems like a really cool chick and very nice as well[ヅ]
opposure profile - diary
comments: [ヅ]
stepfordtart profile - diary
comments: It's nice to know there are still good people in the world[ヅ]
bliss-sad profile - diary
comments: I like reading this page a lot, very intricate [ヅ]
mythicraven profile - diary
comments: Pleasant to read [ヅ]
mandie1820 profile - diary
comments: I can relate all too well [ヅ]
daath profile - diary
comments: intriguing [ヅ]
eatmorepizza profile - diary
comments: I don't know why really, but I like it... [ヅ]
omfggwtf profile - diary
comments: I enjoy this page so much, thanks for keeping me entertained chica! [ヅ]
ddrboy profile - diary
comments: to the point :) [ヅ]
idividedbyi profile - diary
comments: classic, simple, and cool in my book [ヅ]
newschick profile - diary
comments: [ヅ]
old-story profile - diary
comments: [ヅ]
strawberrri profile - diary
comments: [ヅ]
jaysthoughts profile - diary
comments: [ヅ]

My favorite music:

Lady Gaga
comments: I love her sense of style and her being who she is and not caring what anyone says or thinks. Her music is fantastic... && OMG... What more can I say??... I love her and I love her.... did I say, I love her?? lol...
Scarlet Johansson
comments: She not only looks amazing and is a great actress, but she has a very unique voice that I can't get enough of.
Justin Timberlake
comments: He's hott and he's got an amazin' voice... He is my other husband, lol
Alicia Keys
comments: another average girl who IS MAKING IT in this big ol' world :)
Nicki Minaj
comments: She's unique, she's cool, she raps, she's just awesome.

My favorite movies:

Tyler Perry movies
comments: I can't pick just one, I love how real the situations are and just how great the movies are.
Sex & The City
comments: These ladies are awesome. The series and the movies are a great way I just get put at ease. Wish I had a group of friends like this.
The Great Debaters
comments: A powerful movie... during the wost times in our past, they were able to make some history...
Remember the Titans
comments: You can get through anything...
comments: I have felt unloveable at times and I loved how deep this movie got

My favorite authors:

Sandra Brown
comments: Romance to die for, lol...
Barbara Delinsky
comments: Romance just right...
Debbie Maccomber
Nicholas Sparks
comments: This dude can write a romance novel...

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last updated: 2017-02-24 05:30:33
this user's total entries: 168
user since: 2008-01-03

AOL IM name: jazzej84
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Yahoo Messenger name: [email protected]
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update April 6, 2020: Sorry, we just had 8+ hours downtime due to a server problem. Restoring from backups took soooo long, but everything is back and no data was lost. Ay yay yay! Anyhow, hope everyone is well with the virus stuff.

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