The Better Part of Me...

"Now this all makes sense; With you as company, I left all I knew and found A better part of me" ~ Dave Barnes, "Until You"

Likes: Cheese, big fuzzy fleece blankets, those full moons that hang really low in the sky and look like you could reach out and touch them, concerts, peanut butter, puppies, new shoes & snark.

DISLIKES: Crunchy bugs, tomatoes, fingernails with those tacky nail designs on them, black reebok sneakers, and most people.

My favorite diaries:

weetabix profile - diary
unclebob profile - diary
porktornado profile - diary
sock-girlie profile - diary
kristintracy profile - diary
geekgurrll profile - diary

My favorite music:

comments: Counting Crows, Peter Mayer, Storyhill, Billy Joel, Hanson...
Indigo Girls
comments: Aimee Mann, Tracy Chapman, Annie Lennox...
Trick Pony
comments: Jo Dee Messina, Trisha Yearwood, Diamond Rio...
Neil Diamond
comments: What? You wanna fight? Shut up. Also - Journey, Lionel Richie & Bread. So THERE.
Kristen Hall
comments: Jack Johnson, Stevie Wonder, Simon & Garfunkle...

My favorite movies:

comments: Chunk is so my boyfriend.
comments: please refer to my Neil Diamond comments
Office Space
comments: Because for 4 years that WAS the story of my life...
When Harry Met Sally
comments: "I'm just going to lay here and...moan"
Say Anything
comments: John Cusack will always be my boyfriend.

My favorite authors:

Dr. Seuss
comments: Horton. Thing 1. Thing 2. Lorax. Yertle. Thidwick. All my BFF.
Jennifer Weiner
comments: Good in Bed PLUS In Her Shoes. Fabulous. Fantastic. A++++++
J.K. Rowling
comments: God. This is starting to look like my shrine to pop culture. But the Harry Potter stuff is so GOOD!
Rebecca Wells
comments: Ya Ya! This book was my super favorite until Good in Bed came along.

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last updated: 2007-03-30 07:51:11
this user's total entries: 414
user since: 2002-12-19

AOL IM name: seussie_roo
ICQ number:
Yahoo Messenger name: seussie_roo
MSN Messenger name: [email protected]

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update April 6, 2020: Sorry, we just had 8+ hours downtime due to a server problem. Restoring from backups took soooo long, but everything is back and no data was lost. Ay yay yay! Anyhow, hope everyone is well with the virus stuff.

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