Altering Habits

Married, 2 sons - one in college, one all growed up. Live in upstate NY (the part with cows) with my wife of 27.3 years in our newly emptied nest. Generally trying to love life. Oh yeah - quit smoking Aug. 22, 2004 @ 7:00pm, but who's counting? Seem to have replaced my nicotine addiction with an obsession to work out & get healthy - even if it kills me.

My favorite diaries:

Mom-on-Roof profile - diary
comments: Bundle of energy, creative writer, too funny (re-located)
aliannmil profile - diary
comments: She just writes so gracefully. Kind, gentle soul.
Grouse profile - diary
comments: Gets a lot of mileage out of few words, excellent photographer
Joiedv profile - diary
comments: The California view (also relocated)
Marn profile - diary
comments: Doesn't write often, but when she does, it's good.
sunpowered profile - diary
comments: A different view. I like the images she paints with her words.
Pennyjar profile - diary
comments: Just, just, just, wow. Keep her off the caffeine. Please. (also relocated)
azzweepay profile - diary
comments: working into shape?
blueyedmom profile - diary
comments: Just trying to get along
gr8chick profile - diary
comments: we share some demons
becca27 profile - diary
annanotbob profile - diary

My favorite music:

comments: crisp & clean
The Who
comments: Keith Moon is still the baddest drummer ever
comments: Well, right up to all that Domo Arigato Mr. Roboto crap. Darn Dennis DeYoung
The Doobie Brothers
comments: Well, right up to all that mushy sing songy crap at the end of their career. Darn Michael McDonald
Flatt & Scruggs
comments: Weird after those first 4, eh?

My favorite movies:

Midnight Express
comments: How did this never get any awards or nominations even?? Watch it on DVD, would ya?
comments: Man, don't piss off the Scots
comments: Great movie about Nam (where Nike stole their slogan, Do it)
comments: Powerful movie. Made me tear up a bit towards the end.

My favorite authors:

Isaac Asimov
comments: Practically the father of science fiction (well, after Jules Verne)
Ray Bradbury
comments: Right behind Asimov
Stephen R. Donaldson
comments: 3 or 4 new Covenant books coming out!!
Robert Ludlum
comments: Great for summer reads

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last updated: 2009-02-09 02:15:50
this user's total entries: 671
user since: 2004-08-30

AOL IM name: bkr77b
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Yahoo Messenger name: y2l447
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update April 6, 2020: Sorry, we just had 8+ hours downtime due to a server problem. Restoring from backups took soooo long, but everything is back and no data was lost. Ay yay yay! Anyhow, hope everyone is well with the virus stuff.

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