Here is a list of caralynne's favourite diary entries by other members:
Confused by lilacwebster comment:   darling, i wish that too. YES, YOU WERE THAT DRUNK by shutupmom comment:   thats gonna be me any day now. I hate time changes by lilacwebster comment:   my cats are very cute indeed. It's Not a Choice by oxsexigurlxo comment:   brava. simmering, seething, waiting to boil over... by theshivers comment:   she reminds me that im not alone in my passions. from my dearest notebook by grouchetta comment:   marvelous. simply marvelous. I don't want to be a tourist in the world of images by autumnal comment:   ditto. Firework Regret by rubysoho15 comment:   I have decided that they should put fireworks in Atom bombs, you know, so the people get something pretty before their faces melt. - by autumnal comment:   i wish that too. paper mache neptune by onacloud comment:   Everyone Hates the White Guy by rubysoho15 comment:   a shameless plug for our diary review site and a mention of cheesecake. mm. cant get you out of my head by autumnal comment:   In which our plucky young hero remembers, even if some do not. by sirilyan comment:   (claps hands) i think of you everytime i hear these Evanescence songs.... by emperorincxt comment:   the downpour outside struck it in the right light and made everything beautiful. thanks to caroline for the article by scorpioali comment:   a world of true. a world of true. honesty by gofigure comment:   i live that too. Talkin' Templates by beagle47 comment:   am i the only one that picks up crumpled poetry off the carpet, the grass, the cement, and places it in my heart? scales. by slower comment:   brain let me down by linds comment:   its reassuring to find others that think the same way that i do. Why Party? by meryle comment:   rain cleanses the body and the soul. goodbyes by mousepoet comment:   i dont like the awful feeling in my stomach when i think of goodbyes. i still like to think about goodbyes though. admit it or shut up by autumnal comment:   i love rain. i hate talking about weight. i love rain. Random Thoughts (Five) by beagle47 comment:   in my case, change the 16 to 6. keep the 16. maybe. i wasnt all that in love at 16. i was in like though, for awhile. i had a relationship that had no lasting effects on me. just the way i like them. don't fuck with the HTML by ann-frank comment:   best. entry. ever. it is the story of my life, only written better. toronto ramblings by onacloud comment:   i love the city. Touche, Cecil by rubysoho15 comment:   why do YOU like this entry, nosey? Feline fun by epiphany comment:   because i like kitties. what a stupid reason. Conformity by rubysoho15 comment:   her theory on conformity should be more well-known than the theory that the son of god walked on earth and died for our sins. theory - religion. i get them confused. i am such an agnostic. Clerks by rubysoho15 comment:   it sums up our lives. watching movies, procrastinating, blaming people, quoting movies. all in one short entry.
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caralynne has 1 entries listed by brokentrain as favourites caralynne has 1 entries listed by awkwardpause as favourites
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update April 6, 2020: Sorry, we just had 8+ hours downtime due to a server problem. Restoring from backups took soooo long, but everything is back and no data was lost. Ay yay yay! Anyhow, hope everyone is well with the virus stuff.

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