Go Figure

My favorite diaries:

anenigma profile - diary
comments: beach bunny
awnery profile - diary
comments: teenagers are such fun
x-plicity profile - diary
erlenweg6 profile - diary
comments: update, chicklet
life-my-way profile - diary
comments: miss her windmill
marn profile - diary
comments: marnometer, spousal unit, cats, eats lots of fiber
melwadel profile - diary
comments: girl singah
simplify profile - diary
comments: simple. honest.
alicewonders profile - diary
comments: gets me
nmnohr profile - diary
comments: lives in my hometown - maybe we'll meet one day
nycme profile - diary
comments: life in the big city
jumblygiant profile - diary
comments: if I knew a nice guy, I'd hook her up, but the only nice guy I know is taken. :)
debsiobhan profile - diary
caterwaul profile - diary
comments: newlywed!
essaywriter profile - diary
comments: funny, insightful, eek harmony... she makes me laugh
ingridwrites profile - diary
comments: i wish we were neighbors
pischina profile - diary
comments: we've both been writing here so long, we've practically raised our kids together
kitchenlogic profile - diary
comments: makes such pretty jewelry
laurie2002 profile - diary
comments: working, mothering, dating - it's a lot
d1mndn3r0ugh profile - diary
comments: strong
geek-betty profile - diary
comments: growing
ohophelia profile - diary
i-m-hideous profile - diary
jtiponin profile - diary

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last updated: 2006-10-16 07:56:02
this user's total entries: 1859
user since: 2001-02-19

AOL IM name: thefamilyblender
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update April 6, 2020: Sorry, we just had 8+ hours downtime due to a server problem. Restoring from backups took soooo long, but everything is back and no data was lost. Ay yay yay! Anyhow, hope everyone is well with the virus stuff.

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