Here is a list of cheshireluci's favourite diary entries by other members:
too long by eveningsun comment:   You're brave, Minne; you just don't acknowledge it. Trying to take on everything at once is daunting and scary. It minimizes proofs of bravery. I've had to practice for many years to not take everything on at once, to not overwhelming myself. I'm still fighting. It's more about helping myself than it is about taking on the world. It's easier to take small steps for myself than to try giant leaps across the planet. Like, what about getting a job is causing you to fear it? 20-something life is stressful. cat bath, bat dance by tfs-fx comment:   [About bathing a cat] "She was scared but held still and took it like a man. That is, if you were a man being held in a bath tubed getting bathed by another man." you say you need no one by sheburnsx comment:   "there isn't a day that goes by that i don't remember what kind of person i used to be. and there isn't a day that goes by that a piece of me doesn't miss him more than anything in the world... i guess i needed to say that. to get it out. i don't know. i think about him at least once a day. it's been three years since we've spoken. sometimes i wonder if someone will ever love me like that again. because you know, that's all that really matters in life." dog days of winter by tfs-fx comment:   "If I had a tail, surely I'd be chasing it right now." GAG ON MY CLICHES by catinblack comment:   "Before I met him, I believed that love, if it existed, was a chemical reaction, nothing more." SHIT by catinblack comment:   "This is not fucking me!" "This is supposed to be my time. I have clothes with the tags on them waiting for my debut into life. I have a book outline that needs to be coherently written. I have a future planned with W. and I feel like I broke a promise." still dependent on wishes by tfs-fx comment:   "I stay because its all I know. I'm afraid of change. I'm afraid I can't learn to do anything else. I'm afraid of failure. I'm afraid of ending up back in the same place, only this time even more humbled." You can handle change. Can get better! by eowyn28 comment:   "cheshireluci left me a message that totally make my day." GHHEEEE! :) Penetrating theoretical air space by argolam comment:   "Do not stick metal objects into electrical appliances while they�re still plugged in. If your father tells you that �it�s okay, argolam. I�m telling you, it�s not plugged in�, don�t believe him." Remember Me by lysistrata39 comment:   sniffle.. "I just want to feel the kiss again. I want my soul to not feel so lost. All because of some boy." Relapse by argolam comment:   "Not only is my bumming a cigarette a great way of starting a conversation, but it�s also a suave way of saying, �baby, my clothes may smell like an ashtray, I may already have cancer and I�m also too cheap to buy my own cigarettes, but hey, let�s talk about you�." yeah by eveningsun comment:   Mushrooms! my father, the sea turtle. by swcprincess comment:   "my 51 year-old father has now found a role model in the shape of a sea turtle, and keeps calling me 'dude' and telling me that everything is 'totally righteous'." HaHa! Finding Nemo!! nifty by eveningsun comment:   emotions can say when words cannot. looking in the mirror by gilberto comment:   "and they`ve always been the most amazing shade of blue...." good night indeed by tfs-fx comment:   "If you knew how much I had to go through to make this post, you'd be amazed. It just goes to show how comitted I am to this relationship between me and you. After hearing me say that, I think I should be comitted another way." independence and desperation by eveningsun comment:   "but there is no point in running back to him just because i feel desperate for a minute. i NEED to learn to be alone." - go, Minne!! :) seamtress lust by tfs-fx comment:   "Sometimes I have a problem letting things go. Other times I give things up while the back of the mind keeps a firm hold. My subconscience remembered what I had forgotten, and while I slept last night sent me dreams to remind me." -- "I guess they call it "missing" people because while they're not present you feel part of you is missing. When you know someone isn't coming back you just fill that void with whatever you can until whole again. Like a wounded teddy bear though, if you don't sew the hole up all the stuffing will keep falling out revealing the void once again. At times like this I wish I knew a good kisser who could sew." Spa Day by nfinity701 comment:   "It turns out that I�m not hideous or ugly, or even undesirable. I�m actually sort of pretty I just needed some damage control." making new friends by still-frames comment:   "it was like seven monologues in my head. but instead of it being scary, it was comforting." let's get together for some sex, er, I mean coffee by tfs-fx comment:   Yes! Yeees! Yeeeeeeees!! but..... by gilberto comment:   "it`s like trying to stop a fire with the moisture of a kiss." this is just so fucking sexy, i can't even tell you why.. Sometime Ago. by exhaust comment:   Go and go and don't just/Drive me home and back again!/Here I lay/Just like always/Don't let me/Go.../Take me to the end... Such is my life. by exhaust comment:   at least i'm not the only one. Be Very quiet... by exhaust comment:   if you won't.. Terezin by eveningsun comment:   Beautifully heartbreaking. shall we help the cows? by pigment comment:   THAT'S ME! THAT'S ME!! lol!! good times, good times.. :) a loving hug by gilberto comment:   he quoted me!! i'm in shock!! face to face by gilberto comment:   this is me.. again... jeez! deane by eveningsun comment:   me likee! a night in need of armour... by gilberto comment:   "i want to be breathed in." strong. by gilberto comment:   this is me. colours of autumn by gilberto comment:   i love autumn leaves.. just... yeah.. Stick a fork in me. by exhaust comment:   "You just have to find someone who is just as fucked up as you." I can't not. by exhaust comment:   let me count the ways... let me count the times... while i'm at it, let me count the circles, the cycles. let me evaluate my life. it sums up to infinity. off by quazymike comment:   this was me, the first of August 2002. in space nobody can hear you scream, but its just as annoying by tfs-fx comment:   "I miss the comfort in being sad." even the Lone Ranger had one friend by tfs-fx comment:   again, le sigh... lonely people. i think it's a part of being human. take me to bed by tfs-fx comment:   le sigh... let me try to explain this death to you by tfs-fx comment:   goodgod, yes! beautiful. it only hurts when I laugh by tfs-fx comment:   "Believe it or not under all this cynicism is a hope that someday, when we all realize that we all have been put through these things, we will learn, to ourselves and others, how to not be afraid of, how to trust, and how to stop hurting." cute and fuzzy by eveningsun comment:   thank god someone else does this too! "highway signs are flowing through my mind" by the29th comment:   Everyman. There are not enough words to.. there are too many. What Happened, and What It Felt Like by lerin comment:   so hard. it's gonna make your head dizzy, and besides there's a song by Daniel Johnston... by pigment comment:   that's frickin' cool!! people in a room and what happens by pigment comment:   le sigh... sensitive to the karma by pigment comment:   le sigh... Tori Amos Is A Goddess by celtickatt comment:   life=art=lifefeedsonlifefeedsonlife=art=being alive... real problems by perceptions comment:   haha the cover letter from hell by perceptions comment:   been there... understand. why it sucks to be a woman by solstice36 comment:   yes... abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz by natasha5 comment:   "our other song, old mcdonald, needs work. " this song of mine in 3/4 time by natasha5 comment:   The duck says, "Got any grapes?" let's all get up and dance by natasha5 comment:   "i grab one of my cats and we do the rock and roll around the apartment. it's tons of fun for me, but they hate it. " im by eveningsun comment:   I have a fan!! I think I'm in shock! waar ik bij sta, waar jij bij staat by eveningsun comment:   Mental note: LEARN DUTCH! Call me Alice by punkdork77 comment:   Fucking hilarious!!!!! Shift it and clear. by exhaust comment:   the power of music Animal groups by randomfacts comment:   I only knew 2.. awaiting his return by eveningsun comment:   "sometimes you just know. i never thought i would, but i do. wednesday i woke up reaching out for him. my hand was looking for his skin, looking all over, but my fingers closed around thin air, dangling over my night table, over his picture. i woke up in that hole and cried as i thought of his lips touching mine." Other Possible Gods by carvsolo comment:   "The god we believe in says more about us than it does about God." .. "'I contend that we are both atheists. I just believe in one fewer god than you do. When you understand why you dismiss all the other possible gods, you will understand why I dismiss yours.'--Stephen Roberts" 762 South Hell Street by celtickatt comment:   it's nice for the exposure to honesty. it's about time i heard someone say something honest and candid. it's about fucking damn time. i was starting to question whether anyone really existed anymore. I'm still not laughing when I look back. by defect comment:   related. a loving hug by gilberto comment:   wow! that's me! he quoted ME!!! ?? wow...
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cheshireluci has 1 entries listed by the29th as favourites cheshireluci has 2 entries listed by p-brain as favourites cheshireluci has 1 entries listed by eveningsun as favourites cheshireluci has 6 entries listed by celtickatt as favourites
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