running in circles, chasing tails, coming back as we are

the worlds we sought for were never the worlds we saw,

the worlds we bargained for were never the worlds we got.

My favorite diaries:

cheshireluci profile - diary
comments: <3 Joy
the29th profile - diary
unclebob profile - diary
pigment profile - diary
comments: faudrait voir, faut qu'on y go�te ---<3 Bertrand
sitcontent profile - diary
comments: such a pity this one left
irish-jack profile - diary
comments: "Who wants to be found, anyway? We all think we do, but when we are found, we all start looking to be lost again. We just can�t be happy, can we?"
argolam profile - diary
comments: ha!
idiot-milk profile - diary

My favorite music:

comments: and i like Unbelievable Truth as well.. Skunk Anansie, Kate Bush, Tori Amos, Heather Nova
Nine Inch Nails
comments: Archive, Vertical Horizon, Jeff Buckley, Portishead, Lamb
comments: Arid, Jacques Brel, Maurane, Spinvis, Stereophonics, Ozark Henry, Blof
comments: Crowded House, Neil Finn
Depeche Mode
comments: U2

My favorite movies:

Requiem for a Dream
comments: Trois Couleurs: Bleu, Blanc, Rouge; Shrek
American Beauty
comments: Festen
Devil's Advocate
comments: The Game
Fight Club
comments: As Good As It Gets
comments: Disney and Pixar, the Neverending Story

My favorite authors:

Pat Barker
comments: O'Neil, Miller, Tennessee Williams, Brian Friel
Connie Palmen
comments: and Peter Verhelst.. are about the only dutch writing writers i truly love - apart from poets, such as Herman de Coninck, Rutger Kopland, Lucebert, Jotie 't Hooft, Geert de Kockere, Kris Pint, Miriam van Hee, Adriaan Morri�n
Edgar Allen Poe
comments: by the way, i command anyone who is capable of understanding Dutch to read Josse De Pauw
Roddy Doyle
comments: Mary Morrissy, Italo Calvino, Raymond Carver, Margaret Atwood
Virginia Woolf
comments: from the same period.. Hemingway, Faulkner and Fitzgerald. ART.

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last updated: 2016-03-11 07:54:10
this user's total entries: 875
user since: 2002-12-09

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update April 6, 2020: Sorry, we just had 8+ hours downtime due to a server problem. Restoring from backups took soooo long, but everything is back and no data was lost. Ay yay yay! Anyhow, hope everyone is well with the virus stuff.

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