Here is a list of dialzero's favourite diary entries by other members:
Hey knock knock by cornmo comment:   "Anytime someone puts honest effort into doing something different, please wait 10 fucking seconds before deciding to shoot down the dreammaker." yogurt: it's what's for dinner. by waterstain comment:   "four. crates. of yogurt." i took a dump in my sister's bathtub to usher in my 24th year by biensoul comment:   "...a cautionary tale for those who think they can handle their bowel movements within the throes of an intense alcoholic binge? Perhaps." It�s a Wonderful life. by patadrina comment:   "After seeing the great picturesque photos- and then looking at my photos, I wondered, could my brothers be right? Everything was perfect until I came along." It was kind of fun, this shit-flinging. by sundry comment:   "I got scared of it becoming sentient somehow, maybe through radioactive waste seepage, and one night lurching to life under a cold bright moon, cackling its wet laugh, heading to the single pane of light from our bedroom...driven by the force of a thousand poops!" just deal. by waterstain comment:   "i wish i could say that i don't care anymore, but that'd be a lie, too. i care because you're pitiful, and i care because you're still wasting my time." pissed off. by lillybet comment:   "The medical profession hates women and doesn't trust us to make our own decisions or to know our own lives. This makes me very, very angry." I'm pro-choice by serendipity- comment:   "I support a woman's right to choose." Rain by serendipity- comment:   "I gave up the 'try-to-stay-dry' thing." Christmas in June! by skim comment:   "I caught people checkin' out my backside. That's right, sweet thang! I know what you're thinkin', and yes, these legs do go aaallll the way up!" Things I seen by partyjesus comment:   "I seen a homeless man given a sandwich by a construction worker." in which I long for the house on 198X street by rebecca comment:   "Pup tent, sleeping bags, Lego City... we'd have Nintendo hooked inbetween the cable cord." Damn I Love You, Whopper. (aka IC#6) by ladeeleroy comment:   "I put my mouth around you and feel your love juices drip onto my chin, my heart tumppy-tumps with each sweet swallow of your succulent succlentness." eyepennies by fu-fu comment:   "Tartar Control, or T.C. as I called him, had cat hemorrhoids."
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update April 6, 2020: Sorry, we just had 8+ hours downtime due to a server problem. Restoring from backups took soooo long, but everything is back and no data was lost. Ay yay yay! Anyhow, hope everyone is well with the virus stuff.

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